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They become less stable and would, therefore, rather be at their original energy level.

They often move back down to their original energy level, releasing their excess energy to the environment. Depending on the amount of energy released, a different wave is produced. (e.g. Light wave, Infra-red wave)

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11y ago
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6d ago

When electrons absorb energy, they can move to a higher energy level, called an excited state. This causes them to be further from the nucleus and have increased potential energy. Electrons in excited states eventually release this energy as light when they return to their original energy level.

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12y ago

It [the excited electron] will move into the next - lowest - available Orbital.

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13y ago

It jumps back to its original place after a very short time.

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10y ago

this means that the electron is either gaining or losing energy

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11y ago

When an electron goes from low energy level to higher level ,energy is absorbed by the electron .

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3y ago

It gains energy in a quantity amount or whatever it says

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Q: What happens when electrons go to a higher energy level?
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The electron gains energy.