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There will be no reaction between the lithium and the potassium hydroxide. However, since the potassium hydroxide is in solution, the lithium will still react with the water to form lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.

2Li + H2O --> H2 + LiOH.

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Lithium does not react with potassium hydroxide. In a reactivity series, also known as an activity series, for metals, potassium is higher than lithium. Metals will only replace metals that are beneath them in the activity series. In order for a reaction between lithium and potassium hydroxide to occur, lithium would have to be higher than potassium in the reactivity series. So Li(s) + KOH(aq) --> no reaction. Refer to the related link below for a reactivity series.

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Q: What happens when lithium reacts with potassium hydroxide solution?
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