

What happens when rubidium reacts with acid?

Updated: 5/31/2024
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11y ago

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Well, francium is so rare that it hasn't really been procured in large amounts. From what I've read, it has a half-life of 22 minutes and theere is only about 2.2 grams on the planet. It is also the god of all alkali metals. Translation: if you got some of this stuff, you would not only get radiation poisoning but when it touches water or god forbid, acid, please leave a memo telling me how earth looks from the moon.

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4h ago

When rubidium reacts with acid, such as hydrochloric acid, it will produce rubidium chloride and hydrogen gas. The reaction will also release heat and be quite exothermic. Additionally, due to the highly reactive nature of rubidium, it should be handled carefully in these reactions.

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11y ago

2Rb + 2HCl --> 2RbCl + H2

The products are rubidium chloride, a salt, and hydrogen gas

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