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Q: What are the byproducts of burning styrofoam?
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What are the byproducts of burning natural gas?

Water and Carbon dioxide.

Can a styrofoam cup be used as a candle wind protector?

No!! The fumes from the burning Styrofoam is toxic. Don't use plastic either!

Does styrofoam break down?

Styrofoam plates do not decompose, This makes them unsafe for the environment. Paper or plastic plates should be used since they can be recycled.

Can smoking serenity cause cancer?

The byproducts of burning vegetable materials almost always contain some cancer-causing agents.

When burning styrofoam do people burning it have to wear gas masks?

Yes but I don't recommend burning it in the first place. The gases emitted are poisonous and considered carcinogens. The gases include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and carbon soot. It is also harmful to the environment. So yeah don't breath it in and also rethink actually needing to burn it in the first place. Styrofoam is a chemically produced material. It is not natural and not clean burning. Please be careful.

What do particulates in cigarettes do?

Particulates are another name for fine debris or soot. They are often the byproducts of burning things, such as diesel fuel or cigarettes. They serve no real purpose, but they do irritate the lungs and can contribute to lung disease or cancer.

What about styrofoam?

styrofoam is cool

Is a burning candle exothermic reaction?

Yes, a burning candle is an example of an exothermic reaction. When the candle wax reacts with the oxygen in the air, it produces heat and light energy as byproducts. This release of heat is what makes the candle flame feel warm to the touch.

How does the air above a burning candle feel?

The air above a burning candle can feel warmer than the surrounding air due to the heat generated by the flame. It may also feel slightly different in terms of air quality, as the burning process releases smoke, soot, and other combustion byproducts.

What primarily causes acid rain?

Pollutants caused from burning fossil fuels are a primary factor. The two main gasses that create acid rain are Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide, both of which are byproducts of burning fossil fuels in different forms.

What is a styrofoam cup?

a cup made out of styrofoam...........................................................................................................................................................................

Is styrofoam insulator or conductor?

Styrofoam is an insulator.