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Q: What happens when the farther light is from a source?
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What happens to the shadow as this light source moves?

As you move farther away your shadow get bigger and goes away

What happens when light travels farther from its source?

As light travels farther from its source, it spreads out and becomes less intense. This is known as the inverse square law, where the intensity of light decreases exponentially with distance. Additionally, factors such as absorption and scattering in the medium through which light travels can also affect its brightness and color.

What happens as light travels farther from its source?

As light travels farther from its source, it spreads out and disperses, causing its intensity to decrease. This is known as light attenuation. Additionally, light may interact with particles or obstacles in its path, leading to absorption, reflection, or scattering, further reducing its brightness.

What happens when you stand farther from the sound?

When you stand farther from a sound source, the sound intensity decreases as the sound waves spread out over a larger area. This results in the sound becoming quieter and more muffled the farther away you are from the source.

What happens if a source of light is moved away from the focus of a parabolic reflector?

The light will start to diverge instead of being focused at a single point. The farther the light source is moved from the focus, the more the light will spread out and the less focused it will become.

What happen to the shadow as the light source gets farther?

The shadow will become less defined.

What happens to the fuzzy region around the edge of the central region when the light source is moved away?

When the light source is moved farther away, the fuzzy region around the edge of the central region will decrease in size. This is because the light rays spread out less as they travel a greater distance, resulting in a sharper shadow edge.

Which of these observations correctly describes the results?

The cells farther away from the light source are longer than the cells facing the light.

Why does the intensity of light change with distance?

The intensity of light decreases with distance due to the spreading out of light waves over a larger area as they travel farther from the source. This spreading out of energy leads to a decrease in the concentration of light at any given point, resulting in lower intensity.

How do you make a smaller and clearer shadow when you can not move the object?

Move the light source farther away from the object.

How does the distance of an object from a light source affect the size of the shadow?

The farther away an object is from a light source, the smaller the shadow it will cast. This is because the light rays diverge as they move away from the source, causing the shadow to become less sharply defined and smaller in size.

What happens to the shadow when you move it towards the light source?

It shrinks