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The relative humidity is higher.

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1mo ago

When the wet and dry bulb thermometers are close together, it indicates that the air is close to being saturated with moisture. This can help determine the relative humidity of the air. If the readings are the same, it means the air is fully saturated and the relative humidity is 100%.

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Q: What happens when the wet and dry bulb thermometers are close together?
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How many thermometers are in a sling psychrometer?

A sling psychrometer typically contains two thermometers: a dry bulb thermometer and a wet bulb thermometer. The dry bulb thermometer measures the air temperature, while the wet bulb thermometer measures the wet bulb temperature after being moistened with water. These readings are used to calculate the relative humidity of the air.

What main parts are to make a psychrometer?

A psychrometer consists of two thermometers: a dry-bulb thermometer and a wet-bulb thermometer. It also uses a wick or cloth that is moistened with distilled water to acquire readings. These components work together to measure relative humidity in the air.

Example of psychrometer?

A psychrometer is a device used to measure relative humidity in the air. It typically consists of two thermometers – a dry bulb thermometer and a wet bulb thermometer. By comparing the temperature readings from the two thermometers, the relative humidity can be calculated.

What is Psychometer?

An instrument that uses the difference in readings between two thermometers, one having a wet bulb and the other having a dry bulb, to measure the moisture content or relative humidity of air.

What does it mean when a dry bulb thermometer reads the same temperature as a wet bulb thermometer?

When a dry bulb thermometer and a wet bulb thermometer read the same temperature, it indicates that the air is saturated with moisture and the relative humidity is 100%. This means that the air cannot hold any more moisture, resulting in no difference in temperature readings between the dry bulb and wet bulb thermometers.

Related questions

What does the principle of the wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers state?

Evaporation causes cooling.

What has two thermometers (a wet bulb thermometer and a dry thermometer)?

A psychrometer has two thermometers: a wet bulb thermometer and a dry bulb thermometer. It is used to measure relative humidity and can also determine dew point.

What instrument measures relative humidity using wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers?


What happens when a bulb ammeter battery and switch are put connected together?

the bulb will glow and ammeter will show the reading

Why does a wet bulb thermometer measure lower than a dry bulb thermometer?

It happens due to: 1)Insufficient evaporation taking place from the wet bulb due to salt and dust or other impurities on the muslin,or due to presence of no water on the muslin. 2)It maybe due to difference in sensitivities of both the thermometers whereby one of them is slow in recording sudden changes of temperatures. 3)Lastly,maybe due to faculty of broken thermometers.

How many thermometers are in a sling psychrometer?

A sling psychrometer typically contains two thermometers: a dry bulb thermometer and a wet bulb thermometer. The dry bulb thermometer measures the air temperature, while the wet bulb thermometer measures the wet bulb temperature after being moistened with water. These readings are used to calculate the relative humidity of the air.

How does a psychrometer work?

A psychrometer works by comparing the readings of two thermometers, one with a wet bulb and one with a dry bulb. As water evaporates from the wet bulb, it cools the thermometer, and the rate of evaporation is influenced by the surrounding humidity. By comparing the temperature readings between the two thermometers, the relative humidity of the air can be determined.

If both wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers read the same?

I believe that would mean that the air is completely saturated with moisture-- 100% humidity.

How does a wetdry bulb work?

The thermometers are the same, one's bulb is covered in thin cloth called a muslin. The muslin is connected to a water reservoir, and water "wicks" up the muslin, evaporates, and cools the thermometer. So the wet is always (or should be) lower than the dry bulb temp. From the difference (called the wet bulb depression) you can calculate dew point and relative humidity, from printed tables. If the air is dry the depression will be higher (as there is more cooling) while the temps will be close together if the air is moist.

Why do you flick thermometers before using them?

This is only in the case of of clinical thermometers, which usually have mercury inside them. These thermometers have a constriction just after the bulbthat allows the mercury to flow due to the pressure of expansion and contraction but is thin enough not to allow the mercury back into the bulb, to allow people to read the thermometer without having to hurry. people flick the thermometers to force the mercury back into the bulb so that temperature can be taken again.

Why is the bulb of a thermometer large?

AnswerSo larger the Bulb so biger the movement of the indicator colum at changes of temperature.Hope it helpsFritzAll bulb thermometers use a fairly large bulb and a narrow tube to accentuate the change in volume.

Psychrometer measures what?

A psychrometer is a device used to measure the relative humidity in the air. It consists of two thermometers: a wet bulb and a dry bulb. By comparing the differences in temperature readings between the two thermometers, the relative humidity can be calculated.