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The Plates form a Subduction zone. (look it up)

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Q: What happens when two plates tectonic move toward each other and smash together?
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What is formed when crustal plates move toward each other?

when tectonic plates move toward each othe forms

Which of the following features is likely to form where two tectonic plates push toward each other?


What are name of the three sub-classes of tectonic plates?

The three main types of tectonic plate boundaries are convergent boundaries, where plates move toward each other; divergent boundaries, where plates move away from each other; and transform boundaries, where plates slide past each other horizontally.

How is divergent plate boundary different from a convergent plate boundary?

Converging plates come together. They converge together. Diverging plates come apart.

What happens tectonic plates come together?

Convergent plates are two tectonic plates that are colliding as they move toward each other. There are several types of converging plate boundaries.Oceanic to oceanic plate convergence:Where an oceanic plate collides with another oceanic plate, the more dense plate subducts into the mantle. The subduction results in the partial melting of lithospheric rock above the area of the subduction, causing underwater volcanoes to form. If the volcanoes grow to reach the surface, volcanic arc islands are formed.Oceanic to continental plate convergence:Where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, the oceanic plate is subducted due to the fact that it is more dense, which can also cause volcanism and mountain building.Continental to continental plate convergence:Where two continental plates collide, neither subducts into the mantle, the crust is thickened, and mountain ranges are formed from the thickening and uplift.

Related questions

What do tectonic plates form when they converge?

When tectonic plates converge, they can form various geological features such as mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, and volcanoes. This convergent boundary can result in one plate being pushed beneath the other in a process known as subduction.

What is formed when crustal plates move toward each other?

when tectonic plates move toward each othe forms

Which of the following features is likely to form where two tectonic plates push toward each other?


What is a tectonic plate boundary?

A tectonic plate boundary is a region where two tectonic plates meet. These boundaries can be convergent (plates move towards each other), divergent (plates move away from each other), or transform (plates slide past each other horizontally). The interactions at these boundaries are responsible for earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the formation of mountain ranges.

What force pulls tectonic plates toward each other?

The force that pulls tectonic plates toward each other is known as "slab pull." This occurs when a dense oceanic plate descends into the mantle at a subduction zone, generating a gravitational force that pulls the rest of the plate along with it.

What happens where plates are moving toward one another?

they callaps

What does converge means?

it means to tectonic plates come together and one plate overlaps the other

What do tectonic plates do at a transform plate boundary?

At a transform plate boundary, tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other. This movement can cause earthquakes as friction between the plates is released in sudden bursts. Transform boundaries are characterized by a lack of volcanic activity compared to other types of plate boundaries.

What do shifting tectonic cause?

shifting tectonic plates cause continents to move a few inches every year. also, if the plates start rubbing against each other, they can cause severe earthquakes. plates hitting and pushing toward each other can form mountains or volcanoes.

What do you think happens to earth's crust when plates move toward each other?

An earthquake happens

What are three ways tectonic plates interact with each other?

When plates slide past each other, move toward each other, and move away from each other.

Define Convergent Boundary?

In plate tectonics, a convergent boundary also known as a destructive plate boundary (because of subduction), is an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of lithosphere move toward one another and collide. As a result of pressure, friction, and plate material melting in the mantle, earthquakes and volcanoes are common near convergent boundaries.