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If it were possible to add a proton to atoms, then the germanium would turn into arsenic.

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Q: What happens when you add a proton to germanium?
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What happens if an atom of uranium loses a proton?

Uranium minus a proton (hydrogen atom) is protactinium.? That is, if you could get it to do that - this is an unusual reaction.

What will happen to soft Iron if you add silicon or germanium instead of carbon?

If you go on increasing, the carbon contains in Iron, it becomes harder and brittle. It gets fractured, when fall on ground. probably some better alloy is expected to come in hand, when you add silicon or germanium to it. You can add other metals like cobalt and nickel or for that purpose all other elements, you add in iron (from atomic number 21 to 30, may be.) It will be most interesting to know, what happens to the magnetism of these alloys, specially made from 'Rare earth material', which you use in permanent magnet.

Is germanium toxic?

Germanium compounds are toxic.

What happens when chlorophyll absorps a proton?

They are not absorbing protons. They absorb only electrons.

What elements have 2 protons in the nucleus?

Helium, number two on the periodic table of elements. Nothing else has two protons, for to remove a proton or add a proton is to change the element.

Related questions

What happens when a proton is added to a capsule of germanium nucleus?

change flavor

If You could swallow a capsule of germanium without ill effects what would happen if you added a proton to the nucleus?

Refering back to the periodic table if you add a proton to germanium (atomic number 32), it then has atomic number 33 which is arsenic which is 80-100 times more toxic than Germanium.

What happens when you add water to germanium chloride?

You get Germanium Dioxide and Hydrochloric acid GeCl4 + H2O = GeO2 + 4HCl

What happens when you add or remove protons in an atom?

you cant add proton to an atom...u can only add electron....

What happens when you had a proton to the nucleus of an atom?

Im thinking you mean add instead of had? well when you add a proton it becomes a different element because each element has a different number of protons. When you add electrons or take away electrons they become ions. If the neutrons in the nucleus changes it becomes an isotope. To conclude, each element has its own unique proton count.

What elements add later to the periodic table?


How do you charge an atom?

remove either a proton or electron OR add a proton or electron...

What happens to a proton and an anti proton during a collision?

They convert in to two photons

What happens to germanium mixed with so thing?

no one knows

What happens when a proton is added to a carbon?

The resulting element will be nitrogen. If you add 1 proton to carbon(6), it results in nitrogen(7). Both numbers being the atomic number on the periodic table

How can you get the nucleon number?

add the number of nucleus and proton number

What happens if an atom of uranium loses a proton?

Uranium minus a proton (hydrogen atom) is protactinium.? That is, if you could get it to do that - this is an unusual reaction.