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Q: What happens when you call out the lies of a narcissist?
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What do you call a person who praises himself?

You would call a person who praises himself a lot a narcissist.

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What style would a narcissist use in beginning of a relationship?

Charm to get you to think that he's one of a kind and too good to be true (which he turns out to be). Lies, lies and more lies.

What do you call a person who fancies them self?

A Narcissist

what do you call a person, who lies every time they open their mouth even when proven of false statements?

Sounds like a compulsive liar or a narcissist

What happens when a Narcissist gets high were the mind relaxes and opens up?

they're still a Narcissistjust a stoned Narcissist

What do you call a person who praises his own beauty?

A narcissist.

What do you call a person who never admits his mistakes?

A Narcissist.

Will a narcissist destroy those who back them in corner over their lies?

They sure will TRY! Two words: NO CONTACT!

What happens when the narcissist's get caught in there lies?

They lie some more....the N I'm married to will lie about the lie he lied to cover up the lie about the lie he lied....and then lie again... New answer-They say you are having too much imagination and then they lie again explaining the other lies with new lies....mine told me i should go ahead and write a fiction book ....

What do you call someone who loves challenges?

A person who loves challenges is called a narcissist. A narcissist values themselves a lot and is very selfish.

What do you call some one who takes pictures of themselves?

A photographer or a narcissist