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Q: What happens when you mix alcohol and metermine?
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You die

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You get a mix of alcohol and water You get dull beer.

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it make a chemical reaction

What happens when you mix rubbing alcohol with bleach?

Meth < <, Fake

What happens when you mix turmeric and alcohol?

If you mix turmeric and ethanol, you will create a new, and horrible tasting cocktail.

What happens if you mix orbeez and alcohol together?

the alcohol couldn't work it will grow faster in hot water

What happens if you mix drugs and alcohol with an existing heart condition?

Why do you want to know?

What happens if you mix chlorine bleach and rubbing alcohol?

Answer#1The alcohol, being less dense will float on top. They do not react. This answer is nonsense. Alcohol and bleach will mix, and they react, but not in a way that will kill you. Alcohol is less dense than water or bleach (water plus sodium hypochlorite) but alcohol and water do mix... mixed drinks, anyone?

What happens when you mix alcohol and pain killers?

The dangers are you can kill yourself... Acetaminophen + alcohol is very toxic to the liver and can do a lot of damage.

What happens when you mix hydrochloric acid with alcohol?

At low concentration: nothing, at high conc. i.d.k.

What happens if you mix sugar and alcohol?

If there is enough liquid, the sugar will dissolve, as rubbing alcohol is a mixture of water (about 30%) with an alcohol. Sugar is soluble in both liquids. * BTW, rubbing alcohol is poisonous. *