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You will get a chemical reaction. Alka Seltzer is alkaline and Kool Aid is acidic (citric acid). And acid and a base (alkaline) will always react chemically and form a new compound.

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11y ago
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11y ago

A couple things, a chemical reaction, and a great alternative to drinking alka seltzer and water

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Q: What do you get when you put alka seltzer and orange juice together?
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Water. You did know that alka-seltzer dissolves in water, right?

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Orange Juice is Acidic - Alka-Seltzer is a base (Alkaline) - It would be like trying to light a candle made out of ice. What you can do is putt 60 Alka-Seltzer tablets in a glass mason jar with 80% water in it and screw that top on tightly to deal with depression and heartburn. I found this works better than mixing with orange juice. I also know how to make a hole in a beer can toward the top so essentially you are drinking out of a cup for increased guzzle ability.

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Alka Seltzer dizzolves in 33.1 sedonds

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because alka seltzer has to deserved in

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Which drink will react more when alka-seltzer sprite or orange juice?

I'm pretty sure sprite will because it already has so much carbonation so it should fizz up a lot!

What evidence of a chemical reaction might you see by dropping an alka seltzer in water?

its a chemical reaction becase once the alka seltzer melts you cant take it out and put it back together

What is alkaseltser?

"alka seltzer" po ang tamang "spelling" SEE ALKA SELTZER in your encyclopedia