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They,um,i hate to say this,fart.

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Q: What happens when you pull someone's finger?
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What happens when you put your index finger behind someones ear lobe?

you can faint

Can a beachball jam someones finger?

No hell no

How do you do the pull my finger trick?

Hold you finger out, tell someone to pull it, and pass gas when they do.

When is pulling someones face off okay?

Pulling someones face off usually is not okay, but if you get very angry, and you hate that person, then it is okay to pull off their face. If you are gay, then pull off someones face automatically.

What is a good prank to pull at school?

put glue in someones shoes or put pepper in someones sandwich

How do I pull down someones pants?

Ask first!

What do you do if you finger someones butt and then they clench and your finger is stuck up their butt?

That cannot happen as faeces would act as lubricant

How do you do pull my finger trick?

Ask someone to pull your finger with fart ready. When they pull your pointer finger produce your fart immediately. Sometimes it is best to get the fart process going slightly before they pull your finger during that body clenching stage of a fart. It just takes practice.

What scientifically is small enough to fit inside the ear canal?

Someones finger

What is a finger bang?

This may sound horrible, but my friend told me that it is when a boy/girl sticks their finger up someones.... arse.... >.< I know, grose. But that's what she said.

What does cloute mean?

its when you tug or pull someones ear

Can you pull someones jersey in football?

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