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The support is still owed and SS benefits of any sort are subject to garnishment for child support obligations.

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The support obligation continues.

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Q: What happens to back child support when the father's income is Social Security?
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Your son is owed child support Can you collect this from his fathers social security even though his rights were terminated?

Absolutely (as long as it's not SSI). Termination of rights doesn't terminate child support.

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What happens to child support payments when army father dies?

They end. The child may be entitled to Social Security benefits from the father.

What happens after the person dies that is paying child support dies and it is coming out of his social security benefits?

In a case such as this, I suggest that the obligee file an estate claim for the unpaid support.

What happens when there is no social security?

we all die

Can back child support be held out of Social Security?

Yes, if there is a valid court order for child support and/or child support arrearages.

What happens to child support orders after the non custody parent commits suicide?

Social Security pays for the child until he or she is 18 years of age.

Can a person receive both child support and social security payments at the same time?

Yes, but child support received must be reported to Social Security (or it's fraud).

In GA can an ex receive child support from the ex spouse's social security insurance?

Child support is an obligation, social security is a source of income. They really have nothing to do with one another. If you are asking if she can garnish your social security, the answer is yes. Section 459 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 659) allows Social Security benefits to be garnished to enforce child support and/or alimony obligations;

Can Child support be deducted from regular Social Security?


Can child support be withdrawn from social security?

Yes, but not from SSI.

My daughter's mother draws social security through here father she was disabled before 18 does she have to pay child support?

I know if you receive SSI or SSDI you have not paid enough into the Social Security fund to receive legitimate Social Security so therefore it cannot be garnished for child support. So if they were not gainfully employed long enough to accrue some social security they do not have to pay you support.