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Q: What has 4 corners and travels all over the world?
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How many corners are all over the world?

most connors r reatrds

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What travels all over the world but always ends up in the corner?


Where does Jean Craighead George travel?

He travels to L.AIt is NOT he it is she and she travels all over.

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The Human race is like a parasite... it travels to areas in the world, consumes all or most resources and once that area is taken it travels to another area... over an amount of time, the entire world will be taken over with these ''areas'' until there is no more space.

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His hometown is Madrid but he travels a lot all over the world. In London he has a second place to live.

What is the most famous country all over the world?

The U.S.? --- Great Britian, or the United Kingdom. Their Empire was the largest in history, the British sphere of influence is felt in all corners of the world. The U.S. was formerly British and the English Language is the most widely spoken language in the World...

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No not at all, many prophecies are still to be fulfilled and the message of christ must reach all the corners of the world.

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St Nicholas travels from house to house delivering gifts to all the world by his sleigh and reindeer's flying in the sky in just 1 day all over the WORLD

When was Macedonia taken over by the fascists?

On 8th of September 1991 when that country Vardarska became indipendent and started hitting Greece with propagandas. They havent really taken Macedonia, but their propaganda travels all over the world!

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it means that costumer travels all over to buy things

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All of them apart from a circle