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Crustal rock is normally less dense than mantle rock.

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Q: What has less density--the crustal rocks or the mantle rocks?
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What are denser crustal rocks or mantle?

Mantle crust is denser. I say this because most likely less dancer things are floating on of dancer things. Is the same thing with the mantle and the crustal rocks.

What is the state of matter of oceanic crust?

It is in a solid state of matter. Unlike the deeper rocks of the mantle, crustal rocks do not readily deform, and heating from below will cause the lowest layers to melt into magma...which being less dense tends to flow upward.

Why is granite less dense than other rocks in earths mantle?

Because its less dense

Continents float on the Earth's mantle because continental rocks are 'blank' than mantle rock.?

Continental rock is less dense than mantle rock.

Continents float on the Earth's mantle because continental rocks are than sea floor rocks?

lighter continental rock (mainly granite) is less dense than mantle material.continental rock is also less dense than oceanic crust (basalt) but sea floor rocks are not the same thing as mantle material.granite = 2.7 g/cm3basalt = 3.0 g/cm3

How is decompression melting triggered?

Mantle convection works to uplift rocks at mid-ocean ridges where they are exposed to less overburden and therefore, less pressure. As the pressure decreases, the rocks begin to melt.

Why are each of the earth's plates floating like a raft?

The crustal plates are less dense than the mantle but hard and solid. Because of heat convection currents in the plastic-like rock of the mantle, the crust is pushed and pulled as material from the mantle pushes it's way to the surface and is drawn down again, creating tectonic plate movement.

The mantle has less aluminum and less?

The mantle has less aluminum and silicon than the crust does.

Mantle layer with more convection Mantle layer with less convection?

It's mantle with less, then mantle with more as you go deeper into earth.

Name any characteristic of mantle in geography?

It is mostly solid rock, but less viscous at tectonic plate boundaries and mantle plumes. Mantle rocks there are soft and able to move plastically (over the course of millions of years) at great depth and pressure. The transfer of heat and material in the mantle helps determine the landscape of Earth.

What do plate tectonics ride on?

The Earth's crust comprises a series of interlocking plates which are less dense than the materials which comprise the underlying mantle. The crustal plates therefore float on the mantle and move with the mantle as it undergoes a cooling convection driven by the heat of the core. This movements means that some plate boundaries are being squashed together (a destructive boundary) while others are being moved apart (a constructive boundary).

How can the continents float?

Tectonic plates are either oceanic crust and/or continental crust and the upper solid layer of the mantle. The continental crust is composed of felsic (rich in feldspars and silica) rocks and the oceanic crust of mafic (rich in magnesium and iron) rocks. The mantle however is composed of peridotite (which is ultramafic meaning it has very high concentrations of the denser magnesium and iron minerals). As such it is much denser than either the mafic or felsic rocks of the crust and the density increases with increasing depth. The crust and solid upper mantle are known together as the lithosphere as they have similar mechanical properties (behaving as a brittle solid) and are separated into the tectonic plates which effectively float on the underlying asthenosphere which is a denser plastic like zone below them the mantle. Ultimately the "floating" of tectonic plates on the upper mantle is due to the density contrast between the materials composing the lithosphere and asthenosphere.