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if the water is dirty by waste the toilt,if not the fountain water is.

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9mo ago

Toilet water generally has more bacteria compared to water fountain water. This is because toilet water is often contaminated with fecal matter and can contain various pathogens. On the other hand, water fountain water is usually sourced from a clean water supply and is regularly monitored and maintained for cleanliness and safety.

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Q: What has more bacteria toilet water or water fountain water?
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Are water fountains germ free?

Water fountains can harbor germs and bacteria if not properly cleaned and maintained. It's important to use caution when using public water fountains and consider carrying your own reusable water bottle to reduce potential exposure to germs.

Which has more bacteria your shoes a door knob your telephone the toilet seat or your comb?

The toilet seat tends to have the most bacteria due to fecal contamination. Next in line would likely be the door knob, followed by the comb, the telephone, and finally, the shoes.

Do toilets have more bacteria than your kitchen counter?

Generally, kitchen counters tend to harbor more bacteria than toilets. Toilet seats are designed to be nonporous and easily cleaned, whereas kitchen counters can have more nooks and crannies for bacteria to hide and proliferate. Regular cleaning and disinfecting can help keep both surfaces clean and safe.

Which has more bacteria rainwater tap water or purified water?

Rainwater typically contains more bacteria than tap water or purified water, as it can pick up bacteria from the atmosphere and surfaces it comes into contact with during collection. Tap water is treated to meet safety standards and purified water goes through additional filtration processes, which can reduce the bacterial content.

How does milk differ from water as a bacteriologic medium?

Milk is a richer bacterial medium compared to water due to its higher nutrient content, such as proteins, fats, and sugars. This makes milk more conducive for the growth of a wider variety of bacteria than water. Additionally, milk has a higher moisture content which can support bacterial growth more effectively than water.

Related questions

Are water fountains germ free?

Water fountains can harbor germs and bacteria if not properly cleaned and maintained. It's important to use caution when using public water fountains and consider carrying your own reusable water bottle to reduce potential exposure to germs.

Are there more bacteria on a toilet handle or my science desk?

There are likely more bacteria on a toilet handle compared to a science desk, as toilet handles are frequently touched surfaces that can harbor various germs. However, both surfaces can still harbor bacteria, so it is important to regularly clean and disinfect both to prevent the spread of infections.

Which has more bacteria your shoes a door knob your telephone the toilet seat or your comb?

The toilet seat tends to have the most bacteria due to fecal contamination. Next in line would likely be the door knob, followed by the comb, the telephone, and finally, the shoes.

Which is more bacteria water or food?

Neither are bacteria.

When Washer is draining Toilet and Tub fills up with drain water?

You have to use toilet more

Do cats drink toilet water?

YES, but only under very specific circumstances, the most common of which and the only first hand experience I've had is when feeding them a cheap variety of cat food containing bulking agents such as corn, wheat and other cereals. Cats are incredibly fussy when it comes to water. Most will only the freshest water available, which is why many favour toilet water. Toilet water is constantly being flushed and refreshed throughout the day. This is also the reason why some cats will only drink water straight from the tap. Another way to increase water intake is feed wet food regularly, or purchase a pet water fountain. A running tap or fountain keeps water constantly moving and fresh, and both methods are very successful in enticing a cat to drink more water.

An office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet?

Not true!..Just the germ sitting at it!

Is the toilet handle have more bacteria or science desk?

The toilet handle generally has more bacteria than a science desk because it comes into contact with hands that may contain fecal matter. Science desks are typically cleaned more regularly and may not have as much direct contact with bodily fluids.

How can you go to the toilet more while pregnant?

Drink more water

I have a water fountain on your backyard but bees are around it How can you get rid of them?

Bees need water to cool their home. They also add it to the honey.Bees go to the closest water. If your fountain is the closest water source, then the bees need more water sources. Put in a few more water sources and encourage the neighbors to do the same. It's nature and we people are in their backyard. If you don't want bees in your fountain drain the water and put a plant in it.

What are the benefits to using a water fountain for my cat?

"A water fountain for your cat will circulate the water and give your cat health benefits from encouraging the drinking of more water. It will help keep your cats kidneys healthy and may decrease urinary diseases by ensuring proper hydration. Also, if you get a larger fountain you will not have to refill it every day."

What are some popular designs for outdoor water fountains?

There is a wide variety of designs for outdoor water fountains made by popular and not-so-famous artists and companies. Some of them are: the classic three-tier reconstituted granite fountain, the paradise spillway water fountain iron rock, the big copper lion head water fountain, and many more.