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Generically speaking, radio waves have the longest wavelength and gamma rays have the highest energy.

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Q: What has the highest energy and longest wavelength?
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Photons with lowest energy have the?

-- longest wavelength -- lowest frequency

Photons with the highest energy have the longest period?

No, the energy of a photon is directly related to its frequency, not its period. Photons with the highest energy have the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency. Period is the time taken to complete one full cycle of a wave, and it is inversely related to frequency.

True or false visibe light with the shortest wavelength is red light?

No, red is the longest wavelength of visible light, with the lowest frequency and the least energy. Violet light has the shortest wavelenght, with the highest frequency and the most energy (of visible light).

Which colour has the shortest wavelength?

Shortest wavelength means the highest frequency, meaning the photons have the highest energy. That is color violet. The violet light colors the skin brown. Red light with lower energy photons cannot do that.

Which color of light has the highest wavelength?

Red light has the longest wavelength among the visible colors.

Is the longest wavelength violet?

No. In the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the waves at the red end have the longest wavelength (lowest frequency), and those at the violet end have the shortest wavelength (highest frequency).

What is the longest wavelength in nm that can dissociate a molecule of HI?

The longest wavelength that can dissociate a molecule of HI is determined by the ionization energy of the molecule. For HI, which has an ionization energy of 10.09 eV, the corresponding longest wavelength would be about 123 nm.

Which type of visible light has the longest wavelength?

Red light has the longest wavelength of all the visible light colors.

What did you observe about the corresponding energies from red to violet?

the energy was increased from red to violet

What form of electromagnetic energy have the longest wavelength?

radio waves

What color of light has the highest wavelength?

Red light has the longest wavelength among all the colors in the visible spectrum.

Which electromagnetic waves have the longest wavelength lower frequency and lowest energy?

Radio waves have the lowest frequency and longest wavelength there arent any sub-catagories it just goes (lowest to highest in frequency) Radio wave, microwave, infrared, Visible light, ultra violet light, x-ray, then gamma ray with the shortest wavelength and highest frequecy