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Power and work both have the same SI units, which are joules per second (J/s), also known as watts (W).

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Q: What has the same SI units?
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What are SI units and how do you convert them to metric?

SI and metric are the same units.

The different between si units and metric units?

Si and metric are the same thing. SI was a redefinition of metric in 1960.

Do SI Units remain the same no matter where the measurement is taken?

Yes, SI units remain the same regardless of where the measurement is taken. The International System of Units is a standardized system used worldwide to ensure consistency and coherence in measurements.

Are SI units and standard units the same?

Yes they are.* * * * *No, they are not. A foot, for example, is a standard unit of the Imperial system.

Can temperature be used in si units?

The SI unit of temperature is the Kelvin. It's the same size as the Celsius degree.

Why scientist use SI units instead of units such as inches and gallons?

The idea is to use an international standard - the same units everywhere.

What is 40 hrs 48 mins in metric units?

The SI (metric) system uses the same units of time.

Is this true that work and energy have the same units?

Yes, work and energy have the same units. Both work and energy are measured in joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI).

What is the unit for measuring foece?

In SI units, that would be the Newton.In SI units, that would be the Newton.In SI units, that would be the Newton.In SI units, that would be the Newton.

SI is an abbreviation for System of Units?

International System of Units (SI)

What is the difference between the metric system and SI?

There is no difference they are the same thingAnswerSI is the current version of the metric system.For example, the centimetre, the calorie, and the litre are examples of metric units, but they are not SI units.

What is the units for the volume of solid?

It depends on the system in which you are working, but the units will be the same as for a regular solid. In the International System of Units (SI units, for short), the unit for volume is m3.