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3d ago

The heat transmitting process in the atmosphere you are referring to is convection. As air near the Earth's surface is heated, it becomes less dense and rises, creating ascending air masses. As this air rises, it cools, becomes denser, and eventually descends back to the surface, creating a convection loop.

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Q: What heat transmitting process in the atmosphere has ascending and descending air masses with different temperatures?
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Ascending unsaturated air expands or compresses?

Ascending unsaturated air expands as it rises due to lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes. Conversely, descending unsaturated air compresses as it descends to higher pressure levels closer to the surface.

The earth's atmosphere is divided into layers based on changes in the vertical profile of?

temperature and composition. The layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere, each with distinct characteristics and boundaries. These divisions help us understand how different processes and phenomena occur within the atmosphere.

Why does ascending saturated air cool more slowly than ascending unsaturated air?

Ascending saturated air cools more slowly than ascending unsaturated air because latent heat release during condensation offsets some of the cooling effect. In saturated air, as the air rises and cools, water vapor begins to condense into liquid water, releasing latent heat which helps to warm the surrounding air. This process reduces the rate at which the saturated air cools compared to unsaturated air, where there is no condensation occurring.

What happens at every ascending level of the pyramid of energy?

As energy flows through each ascending level of a pyramid of energy, some energy is lost as heat due to metabolic processes like respiration and movement. This results in a decrease in available energy at each higher trophic level. Thus, the amount of energy available to organisms at higher trophic levels becomes progressively smaller.

Why does ascending air allows clouds to form?

to form

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what is the difference between ascending and descending tract?

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ascending is when the note goes up and descending is when the note goes down same as maths <3 this man!!!!!

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