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Worms pull leaves down into the ground to eat, and some are left down there and decompose down, leaving their nutrients. Also, if you rotate crops with turnips they are good for putting nutrients into the soil, so farmers will get a better crop of whatever they next plant in that field.

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Q: What helps put nutrients back into soil?
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It helps put nutrients in the soil and this helps the plants in it to grow.

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It helps put nutrients in the soil and this helps the plants in it to grow.

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Well when you put your rabbit outside they dig holes in the ground, which turns the soil and helps it get nutrients.

What happened to plants if the people will cut them?

If the people won't put the plant back to the soil, it will surely die. Plants need the nutrients of the soil so that it will produce it's own food.

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Probably in soil because if you have too much water it will die and living in water is worst soil helps plants develop and it is better for them to have soil. I suggest you put soil. Plants probably grown bigger in soil.i mistake plans grow better in water

What is the difference between soil and fertiilizer?

Soil is naturally there, fertilizer is something that is put down to add extra nutrients

Why do some farmers rotate their crops?

They rotate their crops to utilize bacteria to increase nitrogen in the soil. because diffrent crops take up diffrent nutrients so they are rotated to ensure they have a good supply of the right nutrients

Is fertilizer a form of nutrients?

Yes, fertilizer is a form of nutrients.Specifically, fertilizer acts to put into the soil nutrients necessary for plant and soil well-being. The nutrients can be made and mixed artificially or naturally. Either way, fertilizer is a bundle of nutrients for distribution throughout the soil and intake by plant roots.

How are plants dependent on animals soil decomposers?

Yes. The nutrients get released from the creature that decomposes and returned to the soil, which the plants absorb through their roots

How does tree planting work?

Tree is put in soil. Soil helps sustain tree's life.