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Gravitational force is the force which holds each galaxy together . While the rotation of hevenly bodys help then from collapsing down .

BUT fact is this that the universe is expanding the closer these galaxy's are more they keep going away from each other fron this is said that universe is expanding

by MK

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they're is too much air in space.

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Q: What holds each galaxy together?
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What is a galaxy held by?

Gravity holds a galaxy together.

How does gravity affect the galaxy?

Gravity holds everything together in the galaxy. (planets)

What is a galaxy and what force holds it together?

An island comprising billions of stars and nebulae, held together by gravity.

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Gravity on both a galactic and intergalactic scale.

What binds a galaxy together?

Gravity is the most powerful binding force in nature. It holds together everything it can with varying forces.

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Is there gravity in outer space?

Yes, gravity exists in outer space. Gravity holds the moon in its orbit around the earth. It holds the earth in orbit around the sun. It holds the milky way galaxy together. It holds the local group of galaxies together. And the local group of galaxies might be a group of a string of galaxies held together by the great attractor.

What is gravitys role in the structures of galaxies?

It's what holds them together. (what's it like in your universe? ... since you're implying that yours is different.)

What holds stars together to form a galaxy?

Gravity - from the stars, dust, etc., but especially from "dark matter", a substance of yet unknown composition.

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a Galaxy is smaller because the universe holds everything

What would happen if the supermassive black hole at the center of your galaxy exploded?

There is no reason why it should explode. The gravity that holds it together is way too strong.

What is in a galaxy?

In a galaxy, there are stars, the stars' planets, and the planets' moons. There are comets, asteroids, gas, dust, emptiness. You'll find nebula (star-forming regions) and black holes. In most galaxies, there is one supermassive black hole in the center that holds the entire galaxy together.