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there is alkali in:

  • most oven cleaners
  • bicarbonate of soda
  • Vanish cleaner
  • Bleach
  • stain remover
  • grease off (try Astonish)
  • most drain unblockers


hope it helped xxx from Hennie

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12y ago
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2w ago

Some household products that contain alkalis include drain cleaners, oven cleaners, and some dishwashing detergents. Alkalis are commonly used in cleaning products due to their ability to break down fats and proteins.

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15y ago

Ammonia, lye, Bleach... Other's like, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide.

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11y ago

washing soda, bleach, fairy liquid. they all have very dangerous alkali's.

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Q: What household products contain alkalis?
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Why certain household products contains acids bases or alkalis?

Household products contain acids, bases, or alkalis depending on their intended purpose and chemical properties. For example, acids are found in cleaning products to dissolve dirt and grime, bases are used in drain cleaners to break down clogs, and alkalis can be present in detergents for their cleaning properties. Each type of chemical provides specific benefits in terms of cleaning, disinfecting, or deodorizing.

Do all alkalis contain oxygen and hyrodrogen?

No, not all alkalis contain oxygen and hydrogen. Alkalis are compounds that contain hydroxide ions (OH-) and can include elements like sodium, potassium, or calcium. These alkalis do not always contain both oxygen and hydrogen in their chemical composition.

What products have alkali in them?

Some common products that may contain alkali include household cleaning products (such as oven cleaners and drain openers), certain types of soaps and detergents, and some personal care items like toothpaste and antacids. Alkalis are often used in these products for their cleaning properties or to help neutralize acids.

What things contain alkalis?

Alkalis are commonly found in household items like cleaning products (ammonia, bleach), personal care products (soaps, toothpaste), and certain foods (baking soda, fruits like bananas). Additionally, alkalis can be found in industrial processes such as water treatment and manufacturing.

Do oven cleaners contain alkalis?

Yes, most oven cleaners contain alkalis such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. These alkalis help to break down and dissolve grease and grime in ovens effectively.

Related questions

Why certain household products contains acids bases or alkalis?

Household products contain acids, bases, or alkalis depending on their intended purpose and chemical properties. For example, acids are found in cleaning products to dissolve dirt and grime, bases are used in drain cleaners to break down clogs, and alkalis can be present in detergents for their cleaning properties. Each type of chemical provides specific benefits in terms of cleaning, disinfecting, or deodorizing.

What do you use acids and alkalis for?

Many thing food and bacteria fighting many household products

Does toothpaste contain acids or alkalis?

Most toothpastes contain alkalis , however some can contain acids.

Do all alkalis contain oxygen and hyrodrogen?

No, not all alkalis contain oxygen and hydrogen. Alkalis are compounds that contain hydroxide ions (OH-) and can include elements like sodium, potassium, or calcium. These alkalis do not always contain both oxygen and hydrogen in their chemical composition.

Household acids and alkalis?

households acids and alkalis is formic acid and syitric acid

What products have alkali in them?

Some common products that may contain alkali include household cleaning products (such as oven cleaners and drain openers), certain types of soaps and detergents, and some personal care items like toothpaste and antacids. Alkalis are often used in these products for their cleaning properties or to help neutralize acids.

What things contain alkalis?

Alkalis are commonly found in household items like cleaning products (ammonia, bleach), personal care products (soaps, toothpaste), and certain foods (baking soda, fruits like bananas). Additionally, alkalis can be found in industrial processes such as water treatment and manufacturing.

Do oven cleaners contain alkalis?

Yes, most oven cleaners contain alkalis such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. These alkalis help to break down and dissolve grease and grime in ovens effectively.

Do all alkalis contain hydrochloric acid?

No- hydrochloric acid is an acid and is the opposite of an alkali so no alkalis contain it

What household products contain rutherfordium?

Rutherfordium hasn't practical uses.

What household products contain polonium?

Polonium is not commonly found in household products. It is a radioactive element that is typically produced synthetically for industrial and research purposes. Its use in consumer products is extremely rare due to its highly radioactive nature and toxicity.

Do all alkalis contain hydrogen and oxygen?

No, not all alkalis contain hydrogen and oxygen. Alkalis are a group of chemicals that have a pH greater than 7 and typically contain a hydroxide ion (OH-). Some common examples of alkalis include sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH), which do contain hydrogen and oxygen.