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It depends, if she lets you do it then your OK, but if you just touch it, your probably going to get a palm to the face.

Why don't you try instead of wasting time.

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shell touch your penis

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Q: What if a boy touches a sleeping girls butt?
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What is it called when a boy touches a girls butt when they are making out?

ass grabbing xD? sexual harrassment..:P

What does it mean if a young boy touches a young girls butt?

It means he has yet to learn some good manners and is in danger of receiving some form of punishment sooner or later

What does a girls butt look like?

Like a boy's butt. They all look the same, but yes, they can be different sizes.

If a boy touches your butt does that mean he likes you?

Not necessarily. It could be inappropriate behavior and not a sign of genuine affection. It's important to communicate boundaries and make it clear that touching without consent is not acceptable.

How do you know if your mice are boys or girls?

well it has either a lump near its butt (boy) or not (girl)

Is it called sex when a boy touches the girls vagina with his penis but does not go in the vagina?

No. Body fluids have to be exchanged to be called sex.

Is it okay for a 13 year old boy to sleep over at a girls house?

As long as they are not sleeping together.

What does it mean if a boy stare at your butt?

If a boy stares at your butt, it could mean he's physically attracted to you. However, staring is impolite and disrespectful behavior, so consider setting boundaries or addressing the situation if it makes you uncomfortable.

What is a mongoose if a boy says it?

A MonGoose Is When A Boy Puts His Penis In a Girls Butt An Goes Fast. for the term.( Go Harder). or ( go hard or go home)

If one boy tells another boy to look at your butt and that boy licks his lips what does that mean?

It could indicate that the boy is expressing a sexual interest or attraction towards the other boy's body. This behavior may be inappropriate and disrespectful, and it's important for individuals to set boundaries and communicate their discomfort.

What does IT mean when a boy is always smacking a girls butt?

It means that a boy is sexually attracted to you, or that they like you. This can lead to rape so be careful. but its not considered rape if you like it :D

If you are a 17 year old boy who is in good shape but his butt sticks out a good amount how would you go about to make it flatter?

hey dont worry about how big your butt is. trust me some girls out there love a guy with a big butt!