

What if a broken bone was never set?

Updated: 6/10/2024
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13y ago

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Many bones actually set them selves after being broken.

It do depend on what bone it is and where it is broken.

If not checked and possibly realigned by a doctor, the bone may grow back together at an angle. This may cause further discomfort later.

Some bone splinters may never grow back in place and might cause terrible agony now and then.

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9h ago

If a broken bone is not properly aligned and set, it can lead to long-term complications such as deformity, limited mobility, and chronic pain. The bone may also have difficulty healing, resulting in delayed or improper bone growth. It is important to seek medical attention to ensure that a broken bone is set and aligned correctly to promote proper healing and prevent future issues.

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Is it true that once a bone such as your humerus is formed the bone tissue is never replaced unless the bone is broken?

(me:yes it is true because once the humerouse is formed the bone tissue is never replaced unless the bone is broken)

Which celebrity has broken a collar bone?

i have heard that Madonna has broken her collar bone.

Which bone cells produce new bone tissue if a bone is broken?

bones do not produce tissue, bones are a skelital structure made by hardened calcium and other various minerals that increase in size over time, when a bone breaks, your limb that is broken will begin to swell due to blood, (if the bone is broken deeply) bone marrow produces blood cells and the marrow is deep inside the bone, bones are set back into place by doctors, and the minerals fuse back together and on with your life you go!

Is a broken bone or a fractured bone worse?

A broken bone and a fractured bone are actually the same thing. They both refer to a bone that has been damaged and may be partially or completely cracked.

What protects human bones and mutiplies to grow and repair broken bones?

Human bones are hard, calcified structures with caverns that hold the living bone cells. The hardness of the bone helps to protect it, but all bones are also surrounded by a living membrane called the periosteum. When a bone breaks, it is the periosteum that produces new bone cells to repair the break. The bone must be set quickly or else it will heal as it is, and there will be deformity, because the periosteum immediately receives chemical signals that the bone has been broken and begins the repair process. It is imperative that the bone be set correctly to insure that the bone heals properly.

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Is it true that once a bone such as your humerus is formed the bone tissue is never replaced unless the bone is broken?

(me:yes it is true because once the humerouse is formed the bone tissue is never replaced unless the bone is broken)

Has every pro skater broken a bone?

No not necessarily every pro skater, Paul Rodriguez states that he has never broken a bone.

Where can one find a bone doctor?

If one is looking for a doctor for a broken bone they would need to go to a local emergency room or hospital, where a doctor will set the broken bone.

Has paul Rodriguez ever broken a bone?

Paul Rodriguez is a professional skateboarder. As of August 2014, he has never yet broken a bone that the public knows about.

Can people scuba dive with a broken bone?

You cannot safely dive with a broken bone. If it is a leg bone, it could be very hard to swim during scuba diving. If you have a broken arm bone, you could have trouble getting out of something if you get stuck. It is really unsafe to dive with a broken bone. When I got SCUBA certified, I learned never to dive with a broken bone, and to stay out of the water.

How long is it before a broken bone starts to mend?

A broken bone starts to mend immediately. Unless of course it is displaced then it has to be re-set then the healing starts

Can I go to a sports clinic to have a broken bone set?

It is going to depend on the clinic and their capabilities. Most sports clinics should be able to set a bone and possibly even do surgery if necessary.

Can a butterflies bone heal?

The wing will never heal, unlike when you set a broken bone. If you find a butterfly with a piece of wing hanging loose, you can pull off that piece of wing and let the butterfly go. Otherwise, it's best to leave it be and let nature take it's course.

If a 3 week old broken bone can still be cast?

It will need to be broken again if it is to be set properly. 3 weeks is too long to wait.

What is the general term meaning a broken bone?

A broken bone is a fracture.

What protects the human bones and repairs broken bones?

The periosteum multiplies to grow and repair bones when they break. If the bone is not set for proper repair by the periosteum, then it will heal as is.

Which celebrity has broken a collar bone?

i have heard that Madonna has broken her collar bone.