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the extreme fluctuation between the comprehensive maneuvers would result in global destruction

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Without air, Earth would not be able to sustain life as we know it. There would be no oxygen for humans and animals to breathe, no atmosphere to regulate temperature, and no air pressure to support liquids and maintain water cycle. The absence of air would result in a barren and uninhabitable planet.

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Q: What if earth didn't have any air How would it be different?
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If air would be a better heat conductor would the earth be colder or warmer during the night and why?

If air were a better heat conductor, the Earth would be colder during the night. This is because the air would more efficiently conduct heat away from the Earth's surface, causing more rapid cooling. This would lead to lower nighttime temperatures.

How would such air be different from 3.6 billion years ago than the air you breathe today?

The air 3.6 billion years ago would have contained very little oxygen, mostly consisting of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor. Today, Earth's atmosphere has significantly more oxygen due to the process of photosynthesis by plants and cyanobacteria. Additionally, the presence of pollutants and greenhouse gases in the air today is much higher compared to that ancient time.

What is the blanket of air that envelopes the earth called?

The blanket of air that surrounds the Earth is called the atmosphere. It is made up of different layers of gases that protect and sustain life on our planet.

Earth is covered by a layer of air called what?

The layer of air covering Earth is called the atmosphere. It is made up of different gases that support life and protect the planet from harmful radiation.

What air is more dense the air in a mine or the air on the earths surface?

The air in a mine is typically more dense than the air on the Earth's surface. This is because the air in a mine is generally cooler, leading to higher air density due to cooler temperatures causing the air molecules to be packed closer together.

Related questions

How would earth be different if we didnt have air?

There would be no life on Earth

What is Earth's air like?

Earth's air is a gas that is made up of different types of elements.

What qualities of earth are different from the other planets?

earth has air , water and life.

What is an importance of air?

without air we would not be here on earth.

Why do you put gas like air into car tires?

because if you didnt they would be flat......... obviously

If air would be a better heat conductor would the earth be colder or warmer during the night and why?

If air were a better heat conductor, the Earth would be colder during the night. This is because the air would more efficiently conduct heat away from the Earth's surface, causing more rapid cooling. This would lead to lower nighttime temperatures.

What would happen to the earth with no air?

we all would die

Why are thedifferent gases in air important to life on earth?

Without different gases there will be no air, if there is air, how can oxygen travel?

How does gravity affect the earth?

If the Earth didn't have gravity, we would be floating in the air and nothing would be in its place.

How water helps the environment?

Water helps the environment by giving it A natural resource to provide on. And if the earth didn't have air there would be no oxygen and god would had have to make us different.

What it will be like if there was no air on earth?

if there is no air we would die and nothing would be on earth we would be history and your suppose to learn about this and grade 1-3 as science so you should know this by now

How do you make dust on Doodle God?

Pretty much anything that would burn + fire