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Then one celled plants would have extra protection against the sun. Although it would be bad. Because all the oxygen they released would go to their own personal ozone layer, not to the bigger one. Which would eventually kill the bigger one. Then everywhere there was not a plant, UV radiation would harm, and it could potentially kill the Earth.

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Q: What if there was an ozone layer on every plant?
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How could the Ozone layer be fixed?

The ozone layer can be fixed. It can be done when we plant trees to make the environment clean.

How does ozone gas affect plant production?

Ozone gas is a tri atomic gas. It is present as the ozone layer and it affects plant production.

What is the importance of ozone layer to the plants?

Ozone layer helps to maintain the appropriate temperature. This helps plant grow and survive.

How we prevent ozane layer?

We do not want to prevent the ozone. It protects us.

Where are large accumulations of the ozone layer found?

The largest accumulations of the ozone layer appear in the tropical stratosphere. Ozone is found in smaller quantities in every layer of the atmosphere.

How can people help conserve the ozone layer?

People can help conserve the ozone layer. You have to plant trees and stop using CFC's.

Is the ozone layer forming?

Yes it is. Ozone is formed at every single moment.

In which year was the ozone layer biggest?

The ozone layer covers the entire planet twice a year, every year. That is when it is biggest.

How do you reduce our impact on the ozone layer?

Don't release harmful chemicals and toxins into the air.

What are the things we don't have to do for the ozone layer?

We have to do many things. We have to plant more trees.

Why is the ozone layer named the ozone layer?

Ozone layer contains ozone in it. Therefore, it is named so.

How would you be able to help in safeguarding the ozone layer?

You could help in safeguarding the ozone. You have to plant more and more trees.