

Best Answer

i asked my parents and they said there would have 2 be a good reason why 2 not ground u. make up for your actions example: X-tra, X-tra chores! i asked my parents and they said there would have 2 be a good reason why 2 not ground u. make up for your actions example: X-tra, X-tra chores! i asked my parents and they said there would have 2 be a good reason why 2 not ground u. make up for your actions example: X-tra, X-tra chores! i asked my parents and they said there would have 2 be a good reason why 2 not ground u. make up for your actions example: X-tra, X-tra chores!

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Q: What if you get in trouble at school and your parents are really mad How do you get them to settle down and not ground you?
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What if you got in trouble at school and your parents are really mad what do you do?

Say ''It was an accident!''

How do you prove if your parents love you?

this is a way To prove if your parents really love you. First your parents will need to be busy and you may get int trouble with this but if you really want to prove it then just follow these steps. 1. While your parents is busy is something and I mean really busy tell them that your staying at a friend's house after school for 2 hours and if your parents say OK or answers it then try again. 2. Go to your friend's house directly after school and avoid your parents and if you see them abort everything and go to them. Try again and again until there so busy there late at picking you up. 3. If they hadn't contact the school or the police or anybody that your missing then your parents don't love you and their just faking it. 4. Go back to your parents house and if they notice you and don't say anything sad then they really, really hate you and if they hit you or punish you then tell them "I told you that I was staying at a friend's house and you didn't listen yo me." If you get in more trouble then your parents don't really really love you and if you get kick out then they want to kill you. These instructions can get you into so much trouble but if your eager to know then follow them.

Is it wrong that your parents ground you for 3 weeks for missing the bus to school?

Your parents will do a lot of stuff that seems like bs. It probably is. Don't call them on their bull or you'll get in more trouble. It's probably wrong, but there's also nothing you can do about it.

Penalties for drinking alcohol on school ground?

you will be suspended and your parents might ground yu lol

What is school ground greening?

School ground greening is helping schools, teachers, parents and students transform school grounds into healthy, safe and creative outdoor learning enviroments. :)

Can my parents get in trouble if I leave home at sixteen?

no of course not but first discuss it with them and keep going to school

Did Laura really get in trouble at school with the new teacher?

That is a bit vague, but I will assume you mean when Eliza Jane Wilder taught the De Smet school. Yes, Laura did get into trouble with her.

If you dropped out of school in grade nine would you or your parents get in trouble If so what kind of trouble?

Yes, they can. Schools have a process so when a student no longer attends school the school contacts the parents for a reason why. At first, this may be a phone call, then it is a letter, and they finally can name the student as "truant". This means the school district can request a hearing with a judge and have the parents tell him why they have not required their child to attend classes. The judge can fine the parents and can even add on jail time for habitual truancy. The is process is called a SARB review board. Stay in school if you are thinking about leaving. It is the only way you can eventually earn money to make a living.

How do you put trouble in a sentence?

We took the car to the repair shop after having trouble with the alternator. Helping you out next week will be no trouble at all. He didn't want to tell his parents that he was in trouble at school. He has a long history of trouble with the law. Talk to a good attorney if you're in legal trouble.

What is the largest school ground in the southern hemisphere?

no one really knows

Where can I send my child to a school for trouble teenagers in the south Philly area?

Unfortunately their are not a lot options out there for parents of troubled teens in the Philedephia area. The South side school district does offer an alternate option for students that are having trouble assimilating in the regular school.

What are consequences not attending high school?

If you are over 18, you are legally an adult and do not need to attend high school, although it is harder to get a job. If you are a minor (under 18), then your parents will be held responsible for you not attending school, and I believe if you don't, you or your parents can get into legal trouble.