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maybe because he/she is lonely or it's sick

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11y ago

Its normal, Guinea pigs dont make noises if they are sleeping or playing.

Scaring, Annoying and other stuff makes guinea pigs make noise.


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What does squeal mean?

It means to make a noise that a Guinea pig makes. Or even more, the noise that a pig pig makes.

Do guinea pigs do noise because they want another guinea pig?

Possibly, most of the time they make that noise if they get excited, frightened, or want attention from something.

What does it mean when guinea pig smells the air?

They could be sniffing in the air to make a noise

What noise does a guinea pig make when they are mating?

They purr and shake their hips. This is the mating dance.

What does a purring noise mean in a guinea pig language?

This means a guinea pig is experiencing pleasure, enjoyment, or excitement. You will hear this noise when you pet your guinea pig or feeding it a treat. If you hear this noise suddenly when you are not petting your guinea pig it is afraid or it feels threatened. They purr if they hear a loud noise: a telephone ring or a knock on the door.

What noise irritates a guinea pig?

Loud ones. I really want a guinea pig! I hope I get one!

What do you do when your guinea pig is giving birth?

leave them in peace and dont make noise allyson wrote this

What noise will your guinea pig make when it is hurt?

squealing or squeaking or a high pitched sound of discontent.

Which makes more noise a guinea pig or a hamster?

A Ginnie pig makes SO much more noise than a hamster. Get a hamster they dont make a lot of noise and their so cuddley and cute!

Who does it harm if you kiss your guinea pig on the lips?

It doesnt harm anyone but why would you want to make out with your pet

How do you know your guinea pig is happy?

It makes a certain squeaking noise... but i don't know how to make it out... I hoped I helped!

Can you give a guinea pig a bath with people shampoo?

yes as long as you avoid harsh soaps , i use dallor store baby soap and make sure the guinea pig doesnt' ingest it or get it in his or her eyes