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gave poor people something to drink

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Isaac Batz

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Kool-Aid, a popular powdered drink mix, became a household name in America since its creation in the 1920s. It provided an affordable and convenient beverage option for families, and its marketing campaigns created a strong brand presence in popular culture. Additionally, Kool-Aid has been associated with childhood nostalgia and social gatherings, contributing to its enduring popularity.

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What is the impact of science and technology on society in India?


What is the Sociological impact?

The sociological impact refers to the effects that a particular event, phenomenon, or change has on society as a whole. This can include changes in social culture, norms, values, and institutions, as well as how individuals interact and behave within a society. Sociologists study these impacts to understand how they shape and influence society.

In sociology Who established the first rules for conducting sociological research and examined the impact of modern society on social solidarity?

Γ‰mile Durkheim, a prominent sociologist, established the first rules for conducting sociological research and examined the impact of modern society on social solidarity in his seminal work "The Division of Labor in Society" and "Suicide." He is known for his contributions to functionalism and his emphasis on the importance of social integration in maintaining social order.

Is it that society influences man or man influences society?

It is a reciprocal relationship where both society influences individuals through social norms, values, and expectations, and individuals contribute to shaping society through their actions, behaviors, and beliefs. It is a dynamic process where individuals and society continually impact and shape each other.

How did the civil war impact American socirty then and now?

The Civil War had a significant impact on American society both then and now. It led to the end of slavery, reshaped the economy, and solidified the federal government's authority over the states. The war also entrenched racial divisions that continue to affect society today in terms of race relations and social disparities.