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He found that the atom was made up of mostly empty space.

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13y ago

Ernest Rutheford prove that inside an atom there is a nucleus, which was thought before to be just empty space. He proved this with the Gold Foil experiment. He hypothesis that if he shot particles to a thing sheet of gold foil, the should go straight though, but instead some were deflected, meaning that they had, had to hit something during there travel. Rutherford concluded that there is a very dense, but small nucleus inside of the atom.

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How did Ernest Rutherford make a contribution to the development of the atom?

Rutherford shot subatomic alpha peticles (radiation) at gold foil and realized that most of the particles passed through the gold without interacting with it. This led to a revolutionary idea that atoms are mostly empty space and created the model of a nucleus surrounded by, but not connected to, it's electrons. An analogy I sometimes use is the idea of shooting BB's at a solid wall or at a chain link fence. None will pass through the wall but most will go right through the fence without ever touching it.

What important scientific discovery did dimitri mendeleev make about materials?

He is credited as being the creator of the first version of the periodic table of elements. Using the table, he predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered.

When did Aristotle make is atom discovery?

I know but i wont tell you <3

How did the discovery of electrons make it necessary to change one of Dalton's postulates?

Probable not necessary.

How do you make jj Thomsons atom?

J.J. Thomson proposed that an atom consists of a mixture of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. In his model, the electrons can be thought of as tiny marbles suspended in a "pudding" made up of protons. Niels Bohr found this model to be incorrect, and instead described the atom more accurately as a sort of planetary configuration. In his model, electrons orbit the nucleus which consists of the protons. Bohr's model was backed up experimentally by Ernest Rutherford's work.

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How did ernest Rutherford make a difference in the world you live in?

Ernest Rutherford was a New Zealand-born British physicist who became known as the father of nuclear physics. He discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911.

What Discoveries Did Ernest Rutherford Make?

electron or atoms I believe, taking up space

What contribution did Ernest Rutherford make to the atomic energy?

he practically discovered the neutron which then some scientist came out with something called fission

What year did ernest Rutherford make a contribution to the atomic model?

He didn't exactly "discover" the nucleus. In 1911 he theorized about the atom having its positive charges in a very small nucleus. In 1921 he postulated about the existence of the neutron in the nucleus. The first experiment to split the atom in a controlled manner was performed by him and two students in 1932.

Which two scientist discovered particles that make up the nucleus?

Ernest Rutherford discovered protons in 1920, and James Chadwick discovered neutrons (which Rutherford postulated) in 1932. Each won a Nobel Prize for their contributions to nuclear physics.

How did ernest Rutherford make the nuclear bomb?

I'm 99% sure that it's illegal to disclose the process for making nuclear bombs exactly. You're on your own.

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How did Rutherford make out that 1 in 20000 alpha particles retraced its path?

Actually, it was two students of Rutherford who made this discovery. Ernest Marsden, and Hans Geiger, both of whom went on to better things later in life. For their experiments, they had to sit in a darkened room till their eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and the they fired their particles at a gold foil, their target. The diffraction was recorded on the far side when the particles hit a ZnS screen, which fluoresced briefly. It was their idea to erect the detector screen towards the near side of the target, and observed the reflected particles. It was a few weeks before Rutherford actually saw their results, and was amazed by what he saw. As to the numbers, that merely came out of the mass of data.