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Q: What important thing did Maxwell's predictions predict?
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If you are asking about predictions then there is no such thing. No one can predict the future.

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There is no way to predict this or even predict if there can be such a thing.

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The hardest thing to predict about weather according to most scientist is winter. However, weather is generally hard to predict and most people have to keep guessing.

Is predict and foretell the same thing?

Yes ==== Although foretell and predict are often used interchangeably, predict implies a deduction from facts. Forecast is closer to predict than foretell, which has a mystical aura to it.

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Such a thing is impossible to predict.

Is predict a noun a verb or an adjective?

"Predict" is a verb, which means to say or estimate that a specified thing will happen in the future based on evidence or reasoning.

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What do you get your girlfriend for your month?

Get her some thing that will suprise her and not something she would predict.

What is one thing the witches predict for banquo?

He will get kings though he be none.

What do the three witches predict will happen to mecbeth?

That he would be king hereafter. That one was clear. That he would be Thane of Glamis? Not really a prediction, since that had happened in the past and Macbeth knew about it. That he would be Thane of Cawdor? Also not really a prediction, since the King had already named him Thane of Cawdor, which the witches knew but Macbeth didn't. The only thing the witches say in Act I that is about the future is that he will become king. Well, what about Act IV then? You might argue that the predictions in Act IV don't really come from the witches but rather from "their masters", whatever that is supposed to mean. But leaving that aside, the first thing said is "Beware Macduff!". Well, that is no prediction, just a warning. The other two things which are said are both predictions: that Macbeth will not be killed by a man of woman born, and that he will not be defeated until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane. These two, and the one about becoming king, are the three predictions made to Macbeth.

How can geographer predict the future?

A geographer can actually "Predict" everything's future. However, a geographer can take up information about a certain thing or place, and predict what it will be like within a certain amount of time. I hope this helps you. :)

What is the root of prediction?

Predict. To predict means to tell what will happen in the future, while still in the present. Literally, to tell before. A prediction is the thing that is predicted. Predict is the verb root word and prediction is the noun form.