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one good example of solar power is the used of solar panel to gather energy from the sun and uses a motor to convert it into electricity .

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Q: What in an example of solar power?
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Is solar power better then coal power?

Solar power is more environment friendly than coal power. Solar power is, however, more expensive than coal power.

What does solar power help?

Solar power is a great renewable energy resource. Solar power helps by reducing the demand of the non-renewable energy to prevent depletion of such energy resources. Solar power also helps the environment by reducing the amount emissions from buildings. Tioga Energy uses solar power energy to help power many different facilities. Check out the website to learn more about solar power

What is Positive points about solar power?

solar power is very expensive, but does not harm the enviorment. it takes up lots of space. solar power does not cause global warming. ('-')

What are good things about solar power?

1. Solar Power is not tied to specific locations. Power can be anywhere 2. Solar Power is silent 3. Solar Power is more steady and readily available than Wind 4. Solar Power is easy to store 5. Solar panels are attractive. They can be made into art 6. Solar Power can be a very automated backup power 7. Many Governments help with the return on investment to make them a workable alternative. 8. They do not consume power from the grid like wind to get started or protect themselves. 9. They are considered by many to be green energy

Are solar panels an example of solar energy?

Solar panels are not an example of solar energy but rather they are means through which solar energy (that is energy from the sun) is converted into electricity. Check out the related link for great videos and information on solar panels.

Related questions

What is a non-example of geothemal energy?

Solar power is a non-example of geothermal energy

An example of a renewable source of energy is?

Solar energy is an example of a renewable source of energy. It is derived from the sun's rays and can be harnessed using solar panels to generate electricity or heat water. Since the sun is a virtually inexhaustible resource, solar energy is considered a sustainable and environmentally friendly source of power.

An example of a renewable engery source is?

Hydro power, solar power, wind energy, Bio mass

What are some examples of solar power items?

Solar power is a source that comes from the Sun and it can be used to light and heat things for example houses, calculators and many more.

Can people use solar power in their homes?

Yes they can. Lots of people use solar power in their homes for all sorts of things, like heating their homes for example.

Is solar power an invention?

Not really. Solar energy exists with or without someone to appreciate it. The technology to harness solar energy does require invention. Solar panels are an invention, for example.

An example pf a renewable energy source is?

Wind power, hydropower, solar energy

If you had a solar power house how would you power your building?

The solar power can power your house. Solar power energy can be used to power many things, it just depends on how many solar panels you have. Tioga Energy specializes in solar power. They install and facilitate the solar panels but the customer agrees to buy power from the power generated from the solar

Is solar power part of geothermal energy?

Well geothermal energy is heat from the earth so for example some places use steam to power there place and some use the lava from valcanoes so they power there place. I think that solar power is part of geothermal power becase geothermal is heat from earth converted into electricity to power houses and solar power is from earth.

What is example of a renewable resource?

What is an example of a renewable resource: Oxygen, water, animal meat, fruit, vegetables, trees, solar power.

How solar powered things work?

Solar powered things work when they reflect off the sun. For example, if you have solar power energy it reflects off the sun making energy and then you can use it.

An example of a readily renewable resource is?

An example of a readily renewable resource is solar energy. Solar energy is derived from the sun's radiation and is continuously replenished, making it an abundant and sustainable source of power.