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Weathering is increased by factors such as exposure to water, wind, and temperature fluctuations, as well as the presence of acids and other chemicals in the environment. Additionally, vegetation and human activities like mining and construction can also accelerate weathering processes.

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Q: What increases the amount of weathering?
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Does the rate of chemical weathering increase or stay the same when a rock becomes more mechanical weathered?

The rate of chemical weathering typically increases when a rock becomes more mechanically weathered. Mechanical weathering creates more surface area for chemical reactions to occur, allowing water and chemicals to penetrate deeper into the rock and accelerate the breakdown process.

What is the rate of chemical weathering increases with this?

The rate of chemical weathering is influenced by factors such as temperature, moisture, mineral composition of the rock, and presence of reactive agents like oxygen and acids. Generally, higher temperatures and increased moisture levels can accelerate chemical weathering processes.

Does physical weathering increase chemical weathering?

Yes, physical weathering can increase chemical weathering by breaking down rocks into smaller pieces, increasing the surface area available for chemical reactions to occur. This exposes more minerals to water and other chemicals, accelerating the chemical weathering process.

How does mechanical weathering add to the effectiveness of chemical weathering?

Mechanical weathering breaks down rocks physically into smaller pieces, which increases the surface area available for chemical weathering to act upon. This allows chemical processes, such as oxidation or hydration, to more easily penetrate the rock, accelerating the breakdown of minerals through chemical means.

Which is most common in the desert mechanical or chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering is more common in deserts, as the dry conditions limit the amount of mechanical weathering that can occur. Chemical weathering processes such as oxidation, hydration, and dissolution are more prevalent in desert environments where water is scarce.

Related questions

What is the main thing that mechanical weathering accomplishes that makes chemical weathering more efficient?

Mechanical weathering increases the surface area that can be attacked by chemical weathering.

How does the amount surface area affect the rate of weathering?

As the amount of surface area increases, the rate of weathering also increases because more surface area allows for greater contact and exposure to elements like water, air, and chemicals that contribute to the breakdown of rocks and minerals. This results in faster physical and chemical weathering processes, leading to faster erosion and breakdown of the material.

Do acid rain increase or decrease the rate of weathering?

Increases it.

How do weathering effects the earth?

it increases the soil fertility and destroys landforms

The rate of chemical weathering increases with this?

The rate of chemical weathering increases with temperature, presence of water, and acidity (low pH). These factors accelerate the chemical reactions that break down rocks and minerals.

How unloading acts as a weathering agent?

Unloading acts as a weathering agent by breaking bedrock into smaller pieces. This increases the surface area along which chemical reactions can occur, which eventually leads to weathering.

Is their weathering on Mars?

There is little to no weathering on Mars due to the very small amount of atmosphere Mars has. Although there is evidence that there may have been weathering there in the past.

What is one result of weathering?

increase in the amount of soil

How packaging increases the amount of garbage?

the packaging increases the amount of garbage

Why is the sediment load in a river an indicator of the amount of weathering and erosion?

Because the bigger the load is, more weathering and erosion there is. The less of it means less of weathering and erosion.

How does weathering affect erosion and deposition?

it affects it on its amount of water

What is the amount by which the speed increases in one second?

It is the acceleration.