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Q: What information do kinesthesis and the vestibular sense provides?
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What is the sense of movement and body position?

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The system for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts is?

The vestibular system detects motion, gravity and provides us with our sense of balance.This is an addition to the above-mentioned answer. Basically, we have three sensory systems that are responsible for the sense of position and movements, and they are:dorsal column-medial lemniscus = detect position and movements of limbs and trunkvestibular system = detect position and movements of your headvision = it helps the other two sensory systems during walking and standing

If you feel dizzy you might be having a problem with your?

Vestibular sense

What causes you to get dizzy on a carnival ride?

Your vestibular sense Your vestibular sense

What is the function of kinesthetic receptors?

The receptors for kinesthesis are nerve endings found in the parts of the body.

What sense that allows you to maintain your balance?

Equilibrioception ; see related link to additional information .

The part of the ear responsible for our sense of valance is the?


What is a vestibular senses?

'Vestibular sense' means a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head.

The semicircular canals are most directly relevant to?

The vestibular sense.

What is vestibular sense?

The vestibular nucleus is responsible for "proprioception" or spatial awareness of where your limbs/body is in space and of course aids in balance. It's closely related to your sense of hearing.

What is somaesthetic system?

The Somesthethic sense include the skin sense, vestibular sense, and kinesthetic (sense receptons that detect muscle and joint positioning).

You may get motion sickness while traveling on a boat over rough waters because the sense of balance is heavily dependent on the sense of?

vestibular input, which can be disrupted by the swaying and rocking movements of the boat. This can cause a mismatch between the visual and vestibular information received by the brain, leading to symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and vomiting.