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When the Gibbs free energy for a reaction is greater than zero, the reaction is "disfavored" - won't proceed in that direction - in fact it may try go in the reverse direction if possible.

When the Gibbs free energy for a reaction is less than zero, the reaction is "favored" - it should proceed as written spontaneously.

When the Gibbs free energy for a reaction is exactly zero - it is in equilibrium, with the forward and back ward reactions occurring at the same rate.

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5d ago

Gibb's free energy (ΔG) indicates whether a reaction is spontaneous (ΔG < 0) or non-spontaneous (ΔG > 0) at a given temperature and pressure. A negative ΔG means the reaction releases usable energy, while a positive ΔG means energy input is required for the reaction to proceed. Additionally, the magnitude of ΔG can provide insights into the extent to which a reaction will proceed towards completion.

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12y ago

kokluot es e louktos Delta G <> Delta H

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What is the Gibbs free energy of the reaction at 300K?

To determine the Gibbs free energy of a reaction at 300K, you need to know the standard Gibbs free energy change of the reaction (ΔG°) at that temperature. You can use the equation ΔG = ΔG° + RT ln(Q), where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and Q is the reaction quotient. By plugging in the values, you can calculate the Gibbs free energy of the reaction at 300K.

What does the gibbs free energy predict?

It predicts whether or not a reaction will be spontaneous.

What does Gibbs's free energy depend on?

it depends on the entropy and enathalpy of the reaction

What does Gibbs free energy depends on?

it depends on the entropy and enathalpy of the reaction

How does Gibbs free energy predict spontaneous?

If G < 0, the reaction is spontaneous.

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Positive (greater than 0).

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Gibbs free energy represents the maximum reversible work that can be extracted from a system at constant temperature and pressure. It combines the system's enthalpy and entropy to predict whether a reaction is spontaneous. The change in Gibbs free energy (∆G) determines whether a reaction will proceed spontaneously or not.

What is a negative Gibbs free-energy value an indication of?

A negative Gibbs free-energy value indicates that a reaction is spontaneous, meaning it can proceed without requiring external energy input. It suggests that the products of the reaction are more stable than the reactants at the given conditions.

What is true about the numerical value of the Gibbs free-energy change for a spontaneous reaction?

For a spontaneous reaction, the numerical value of the Gibbs free-energy change (ΔG) is negative, indicating that the reaction is energetically favorable and will proceed in the forward direction. This negative ΔG means that the system is releasing energy and increasing in entropy during the reaction.

What is the name and symbol of the single thermodynamic quantity which determines whether or not a reaction is spontaneous?

Gibbs free energy -- symbol G. If the change in Gibbs free energy for a reaction is negative, the reaction is spontaneous. If it is zero, you are at equilibrium. If it is positive, the reaction is NOT spontaneous.G &equiv; H -TS (or in another useful form dG = dH -TdS)whereH is enthalpyT is absolute temperatureS is entropy

What does it mean if a reaction is having a free energy close to zero?

If the Gibbs free energy is close to zero, the reaction is close to equilibrium.

Is the Gibbs free energy negative in the spontaneous reaction?

Yes, as long as the entropy of the universe increases.