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They have more control over all of the Penguins, due to their size, and have more eggs with other girlpenguins

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Q: What innate behavior do Emperor Penguins have?
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What innate behavior do penguins have?

Penguins have an innate behavior of breeding and raising their young in a colony. They also have a strong instinct for swimming and diving to catch food, as well as a natural ability to regulate their body temperature in cold environments.

What are an emperor penguins behavior?

a emporer penguins behaviour is really penguinish

What are the emperor penguins behavior like?

It depends

Breathing is what kind of behavior innate or learned?

Breathing is an innate behavior that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. It is essential for survival and is not learned, as even newborns automatically know how to breathe.

What are the Emperor penguins learned behaviors?

the main learned behavior of a pengiun is when baby penguins learn how to swim in the warm or cold water.

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a tigers innate behavior is its ability to walk

Why did emperor penguins get their name?

Emperor penguins are the largest of all penguins.

Is a cat walking a innate or learned behavior?

It is completely a innate behavior, that's like asking if we walking is innate or learned

What is the definition of innate behavior of innate behavior?

Innate behavior refers to natural behaviors that an organism is born with and does not need to learn or acquire through experience. These behaviors are genetically programmed and are typically present across individuals of a species.

Are emperor penguins dangerous?

Emperor penguins are not dangerous to humans.

Do cows and horses have innate and learened behavior?

Yes, cows and horses have innate and learned behavior.

Do Emperor Penguins Have nicknames?

emperor penguins doesn't really have nicknames there just called a emperor penguins or just a penguin. :)