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The actinide series

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Thorium (Th) is an inner transition metal with 90 electrons. It is a radioactive element that belongs to the actinide series of the Periodic Table.

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Q: What inner transition metal has 90 electrons?
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How many electrons are there in Thorium?

Thorium is a metal element. There are 90 electrons in a single atom.

What element on the periodic table has ninety electrons?

A transition element of f-block Thorium has 90 electrons in natural state, it is a Radioactive element.

How many electrons does thorium -230 have?

Thorium-230 has 90 electrons. This is because thorium has 90 protons, and the number of electrons in an atom is equal to the number of protons in order to maintain a neutral charge.

How many electrons are there in the element?

Thorium has 90 electrons.

In the element thorium how many electrons are there?

Thorium has 90 electrons.

How many more neutrons does thorium 230 have then electrons?

Thorium 230 has 90 electrons and 140 neutrons.

How many electrons does thorium230 have?

Thorium has 90 protons. So for a neutral atom, there has to be 90 electrons. 230 is the total number of nucleons. ie 90 protons and 140 neutrons.

What is the number of protons and electrons in thorium?

Thorium's atomic number is 90. Thus, thorium has 90 protons per atom. To be electrically neutral then, thorium must also have 90 electrons per atom.

How many protons neutrons and electrons are in cesium?

Cesium has 55 protons, 78 neutrons, and 55 electrons.

What is the number of electrons in thorium?

The standard atom has 90 electrons. An ion might have more or less.

How many electrondoes thorium have?

Thorium has 90 electrons.

How much electrons does Thorium have?

Thorium has 90 electrons.