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Q: What inorganic ions are released through the dissociation of electrolytes?
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What compound is formed through dissociation?

Dissociation of what? Table salt, for example (NaCl) dissociates into Na+ and Cl- ions in water.

Is Carbon dioxide organic or inorganic?

inorganic. It can be converted to an organic compound through photosynthesis.

Can electrolytes be absorbed through the skin?

Yes, but far less in quantity than through intestines.

Could Electric current through the human body produce Electrolysis of Intersticial Fluid?

Yes, it can. Human fluids include sodium, potassium and other electrolytes that, by definition, include free ions. Current will flow through these electrolytes and will start the process of breaking down the aqueous electrolytes to their constituent elements.

What is the separation of a compound into its constituent ions?

This process is called electrolysis. Electrolysis is the process of decomposition of a compound in its molten or aquous state allows electricity to flow through it and in turn gets dissociated into ions.

When humans sweat water releases through what?

Pores within the skin, basically small tunnels. Water is not the only thing released, there are also a variety of salts, etc... released, dissolved within the water. This is why your body needs electrolytes after exercising to replenish these missing materials

Does electricity passes through coconut water?

Containing electrolytes the coconut water is electricaly conductive.

What do electrolytes do for us?

Consider the electrolytes sodium and potassium - by and through the "Sodium - Potassium Pump" Bio Mechanism, this provides neuronal pulse transmission capacity that enables ALL OF OUR SENSORY and MOTOR processes to OCCUR. Mainly.

What is Hyperalimentation?

It is a method of refeeding anorexics by infusing liquid nutrients and electrolytes directly into central veins through a catheter

Important of inorganic compound in the industrial develoment?

inorganic compounds represent everything that does not contain carbon as a chemical compound (with very few exceptions) this means that almost every process that happens in the industrial world has the use of an inorganic compound. In fact almost everyone depends on inorganic compounds to simple get through the day.

What are gastrointestinal losses?

Gastrointestinal losses refers to losing fluid, electrolytes, blood, protein or other substances through the stool.

Can particles pass through electrolytes to conduct electricity?

An electrolyte can be either positive or negative, because an electrolyte contains ions, which are atoms in which the total amount of electrons does not equal the total number of protons. There can be too many electrons in the atom (making the atom negative, also called an anion), or not enough electrons in the atom (making the atom positive, also called a cation).