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Galileo played the lute.

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Q: What instrument did Galileo develop which help find evidence to support the heliocentric theory?
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Who invented the telescope and developed a heliocentric view of the universe?

I suspect the answer you're looking for is Galileo Galilei. It just has two problems: Galileo didn't "invent the telescope", nor did he "develop a heliocentric view of the universe." The telescope was invented in the Netherlands; Galileo simply improved on it and was probably the first to apply it to astronomical observations instead of just looking for distant ships. Also, Copernicus is (properly) credited with the heliocentric view; Galileo's observations supported this, but he didn't come up with it.

Who was the first to discover the concept of inertia Galileo or Newton?

Galileo first theorized the idea of inertia; Newton worked further to develop itinto a law.

What evidence do you have that atoms of certain elements a flame with a specific color?

You do an experiment to gather this evidence and then develop a hypothesis to explain what you observe.

Did Galileo really drop weights off the Leaning Tower of Pisa or is it just a fun myth?

Viviani, a student of Galileo, wrote about his mentor actually dropping a ten pound weight and a one pound weight off the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that they would fall at the same rate. There is no evidence from Galileo himself that he he did the experiment. Since he didn't actually write about doing the experiment, science historians believe that it was not done. He did develop a very interesting thought experiment that led to a contradiction, and to his conclusion that the rate of descent would be the same. See the link below for a fun video of the experiment being carried out on the moon.

How is scientific data used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe?

by falling in a hole

Related questions

Who invented the telescope and developed a heliocentric view of the universe?

I suspect the answer you're looking for is Galileo Galilei. It just has two problems: Galileo didn't "invent the telescope", nor did he "develop a heliocentric view of the universe." The telescope was invented in the Netherlands; Galileo simply improved on it and was probably the first to apply it to astronomical observations instead of just looking for distant ships. Also, Copernicus is (properly) credited with the heliocentric view; Galileo's observations supported this, but he didn't come up with it.

Who was the first to discover the concept of inertia Galileo or Newton?

Galileo first theorized the idea of inertia; Newton worked further to develop itinto a law.

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The invention of the telescope led scientists to develop the heliocentric theory.

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A historian makes an interpretation when he or she?

Answer this question… analyzes evidence to develop a better understanding of the past.

How did the new technology lead to religious controversy during the scientific revolution?

The invention of the telescope led scientists to develop the heliocentric theory.

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What evidence was used to develop the big bang theory?

The red shift and the cosmic microwave background radiation was the evidence used to develop the big bang theory.

How did Galileo make the pendulum?

The first pendulum that Galileo is reportedly to have observed were the swinging chandeliers in a church. He later made his own experimental models to develop some of the earliest recorded scientific research into the properties of gravity.

What evidence do you have that atoms of certain elements a flame with a specific color?

You do an experiment to gather this evidence and then develop a hypothesis to explain what you observe.

Which instrument was used in the 18th and the 19th centuries and helped scientists develop the cell theory?

light microscope

Who was the first person to develop a theory of the atom based on experimental evidence?

yo gramdma