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Q: What instrument is used in The Eagles Lying Eyes to give it country flavor?
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What is a low lying country?


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Is Iceland a low lying country?

No, much higher

What are the release dates for The Lying Game - 2011 No Country for Young Love 1-17?

The Lying Game - 2011 No Country for Young Love 1-17 was released on: USA: 13 February 2012

How do you spell lying as in not telling the truth?

Yes, lying is the correct spelling.Some example sentences are:Why are you lying to me?He is lying in bed.Lying to the police is not a good idea.The cat is lying in the sun.

How is the United States the greatest country on planet earth?

Its just what some people think. Its an opinion. Its not lying, and saying that it isn't the greatest isn't lying either.

What is the most low lying country?

The Maldives is the most low-lying country in the world, with an average elevation of about 1.5 meters above sea level. The nation faces significant threats from rising sea levels due to climate change.

Who going to win on flavor of love 3?

Black, aka Candace cabrera. Think im lying my father does security at the mansion, (which by the way is flavs and go to you tube and type in who wins flavor of love season 3. She a model people. that show is a talent scout he ain't looking for love.)

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If the ice in the northern hemisphere melts, Denmark could experience more frequent and severe flooding due to rising sea levels. This could lead to damage to coastal areas, infrastructure, and agriculture. Additionally, changes in ocean currents and global climate patterns may impact Denmark's weather and ecosystems.

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I am lying you are lying he is lying we are lying you are lying they are lying

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Yes it does. It is a large country on the continent of Africa lying below the equator.