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Q: What invention brought water closer to the crops?
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How did the Greeks produce enough food for the population?

They did it by moving closer north and oasis gave the water to produce crops

Irrigation in Mesopotamia?

Irrigation is a system of canals used to bring water to crops and field's. Mesopotamian farmers brought water from artificial lakes to irrigate their crops.102401fuk u and suk balls

Why did the ancient Egyptians bless inundation?

Because the flooding brought fertile soil and extra water for the crops.

What did the Nile flood bring?

The Nile flood brought a rich soil called silt and water for the crops.

How is a shaduf used to help people make a living in the desert?

It is an invention that pumps water (by hand) and allows the growing of crops on a small basis.

What do irrigation ditches in Egypt bring?

The Egyptian irrigation ditches brought water from the River Nile to water food crops growing along the Nile Valley.

How did the climate effecet the daily lives of egyptians?

it effect by having floods every year and warning the Egyptians and thzt water was closer for their crops

How is the annual flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers related to the surplus of crops in the Fertile Crescent?

The annual flooding brought silt to refresh the land and provided a water supply to support crops and the populace.

Why was the annual flooding of the Nile River important to the Egyptians?

It brought in fresh, new, fertile soil. they also gave offerings to the nile god each year because for 7 years the nile didnt flood and they lived in famine

Can you water crops with salt water?

No the crops will die

What did the Egyptians relied on the Nile River to do?

The annual flood brought down deposits of rich soil which refertilised the fields, and the water provided irrigation for the crops.