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Q: What invention most directly led to the creation of the internal combustion engine?
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What invention most directly made the creation of the automobile and airplanes possible?

The Internal combustion engine

What invention most directly made the the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

The Internal combustion engine

What invention most directly made the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

The Internal combustion engine

What invention most directly made the creation of the automobile and the airplace possible?

The internal combustion gasoline engine.

What invention made the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

The invention that made the creation of automobile and airplane possible was the internal combustion engine. Almost all vehicles use internal combustion engines. They are used in the form of gas turbines in jet aircrafts, large ships and helicopters.

What invention most dirctly made the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

the internal combustion engine which was invented by Rudolf Diesel

What invention led to the invention of internal combustion engine?

The steam engine

What was the basic invention that evolved into the modern automobile?

It was the invention and development of the internal combustion engine, fuelled by petrol or diesel.

What did the invention of the internal-combustion engine lead to?

motor vehicles, among other things

What invention did internal combustion engine make possible?

aircraft, as steam engine power/weight too low

What systems connects directly to the internal combustion engine in an automobile?

The Cooling System.... <3

Is the invention of Hugo cabret internal or external?

The invention of Hugo Cabret within the story "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" is internal, as it refers to Hugo's journey of self-discovery and his creation of a mechanical automaton. This invention is a result of his own skills, determination, and passion for mechanics.