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"Happy New Year!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Buon anno! The masculine singular adjective and noun translate literally into English as "Good year!" The pronunciation will be "bwo-NAN-no" in Italian.

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Q: What is 'Buon anno' when translated from Italian to English?
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What is the English translation of the Italian phrase 'Buon anno'?

"New year" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Buon anno.Specifically, the masculine adjective buono* literally means "good". The masculine noun anno translates as "year". The pronunciation will be "bwo-NAN-no" in Italian.*The final vowel drops before a noun which begins with a vowel.

What is 'I wish you a Happy New Year' when translated from English to Italian?

Ti auguro un Buon Anno! in the singular and Vi auguro un Buon Anno! in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "I wish you a Happy New Year!" Context makes clear which form suits. The respective pronunciations will be "tee ow-GOO-ro oon bwo-NAN-no" in the singular and "vee ow-GOO-ro oon bwo-NAN-no" in the plural in Italian.

What is 'Happy Christmas New Year' when translated from English to Italian?

Buon Natale, Buon Anno is an Italian equivalent of 'Happy Christmas, [Happy] New Year'. It's pronounced 'bwohn nah-TAH-leh bwoh-NAHN-noh'.In the word by word translation, the masculine adjective 'buono' means 'good'. The masculine noun 'Natale'means 'Nativity'. The masculine noun 'anno' means 'year'.

What is 'Happy New Year my friend' when translated from English to Italian?

Buon Anno a te e alla tua famiglia! in the singular and Buon Anno a voi e alla vostra famiglia! in the plural are literal Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy New Year to you and your family!" The choice depends upon whether the audience is of one (case 1) or more (case 2). The respective pronunciation will be "bwo-NAN-no a TEY e AL-la TOO-a fa-MEE-lya" in the singular and "bwo-NAN-no a voy ey AL-la VO-stra fa-MEE-lya" in the plural in Italian.

What is 'Happy New Year I love you' when translated from English to Italian?

Buon anno! Ti amo! romantically and Buon anno! Ti voglio bene! amicably are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy New Year! I love you!" Context makes clear whether the the speaker and the listener are linked by romantic (case 1) or by familial or friendly (example 2) ties. The respective pronunciations will be "bwo-NAN-no tee A-mo" and "bwo-NAN-no tee VO-lyo BEH-ney" in Italian.

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Felice anno nuovo, sorella!