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"Good day!" How is everyone?" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Buon giorno! Come stanno tutti? The masculine singular adjective and noun, interrogative, present indicative, and masculine plural adjective/noun/pronoun also translate into English as "Good day! How are you all?" since the verb endings also can be that of the second person formal plural. The pronunciation will be "bwon DJOR-no KO-mey STAN-no TOOT-tee" in Italian.

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Q: What is 'Buon giorno Come stanno tutti' when translated from Italian to English?
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Come stanno? is a formal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "How are you?" to two men.Specifically, the interrogative come means "how". The verb stanno translates as "(formal plural you, they) are/stand". The pronunciation will be "KO-me STAN-no" in Italian.

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'How is everyone today'?

Come stanno tutti oggi? is one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "How is everyone today?"Specifically, the interrogative come is "how." The present indicative stanno means "(they, formal plural you) are doing" in this context. The masculine plural indefinite noun tutti translates as "all, everybody, everyone, everything." The adverb oggi translates as "today."The pronunciation will be "KO-mey STAN-no TOOT-tee OD-djee" in Italian.

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What is 'How are your kids doing' in Italian?

Come stanno i vostri figli is an Italian equivalent of 'How are your kids doing'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'KOH-meh STAHN-noh ee VOH-stree FEE-lyee'.In the word by word translation, the adverb 'come' means 'how'. The verb 'stanno' means '[they] are doing or standing'. The masculine definite article 'i' means 'the'. The possessive 'vostri' means 'your'. The masculine gender noun 'figli' means 'sons, sons and daughters, offspring, kids, children'.

When was E le stelle stanno a guardare created?

E le stelle stanno a guardare was created on 1971-09-07.

What is 'Good morning and How are you' when translated from English to Italian?

The singular Buona mattina, e come stai? and the plural Buona mattina, e come state? informally and the singular Buona mattina, e come sta? and the plural Buona mattina, come stanno? formally are literal Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Good morning, and how are you?" The choice depends upon the number of listeners as well as the formal or informal interaction between strangers or peers. The respective pronunciation will be "BWO-na mat-TEE-na ey KO-mey steye" and "BWO-na mat-TEE-na ey KO-mey STA-tey" informally and "BWO-na mat-TEE-na ey KO-mey sta" and "BWO-na mat-TEE-na ey KO-mey STAN-no" formally in Italian.

What is 'How are you this afternoon' when translated from English to Italian?

Come stai questo pomeriggio? informally or Come sta questo pomeriggio? formally in the singular and Come state questo pomeriggio? informally and Come stanno questo pomeriggio? formally in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "How are you this afternoon?" Context makes clear whether one "you" (cases 1, 2 ) or two or more "you all" (example 2) and whether the interaction is among family, friends and peers (instances 1, 3) or seniors in age or rank or strangers (options 2, 4) suit.The respective pronunciation will be "KO-mey steye KWEY-sto PO-mey-REED-djo" or "KO-mey sta KWEY-sto PO-mey-REED-djo" in the singular and "KO-mey STA-tey KWEY-sto PO-mey-REED-djo" in the plural in Italian.

What is 'How is your day' in Italian?

Come sta la tua giornata is an Italian equivalent of 'How is your day'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'KOH-may stah lah TOO-ah johr-NAH-tah'.In the word by word translation, the adverb 'come' means 'how'. The verb 'sta' means '[he/she/it] is, stands'. The feminine definite article 'la' means 'the'. The feminine possessive 'tua' means 'your'. The feminine gender noun 'giornata' means 'daytime, day long'.