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The master loves you is the English equivalent of 'Dominus te amat'. The master loves you because I watched over the lives of his sons is the English equivalent of 'Dominus te amat quod vitas filiorum servabam'. I am Xeno of Rome is the English equivalent of 'Sum Xeno Romae'. In Rome, I am Sextus is the English equivalent of 'In Roma sum Sextus'. Soon I will be free is the English equivalent of 'Mox liber ego'.

In the word by word translation, the masculine gender noun 'Dominus', in the nominative singular as the subject of the sentence, means 'master, lord, head of the house'. The personal pronoun 'te', in the second person singular of the accusative of 'tu', means 'you'. The verb 'amat', in the third person singular of the present indicative of the infinitive 'amare', means '[he/she/it] does love, is loving, loves'.

The conjunction 'quod' means 'because'. The masculine gender noun 'vitas', in the accusative plural of 'vita' as the direct object of the verb, means 'lives'. The masculine gender noun 'filiorum', in the genitive plural of 'filius' as the object of possession, means 'of the sons'. The verb 'servabam', in the first person singular of the imperfect indicative of the infinitive 'servare', means '[I] watched, observed, kept'.

The verb 'sum', in the first person singular of the present indicative of the infinitive 'esse', means '[I] am'. The proper noun 'Xeno' is the name of the speaker in the passage. The geographical feminine gender proper name, as 'Romae' in the genitive or dative singular and as 'Roma' in the ablative singular, means [of, to; and in, into] Rome'.

The preposition 'in' means 'in, into'. The adverb 'mox' means 'presently, soon, then'. The masculine gender adjective 'liber', in the nominative singular, means 'free'. The first person personal pronoun 'ego', in the nominative singular, means 'I'.

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Q: What is 'Dominus te amat Dominus te amat quod vitas filiorum servabam Sum Xeno Romae In Roma sum Sextus Mox liber ego' in English?
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