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È così bella! in the feminine and È così bello! in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "It is so beautiful!" The choice depends upon whether the concept, experience, object, or process in question is considered feminine or masculine in gender. The respective pronunciation will be "eh ko-SEE BEL-la" and "eh ko-SEE BEL-lo" in Italian.

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7y ago

La luna splende brillante stasera is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "The moon is shining bright tonight." The statement translates literally as "The moon shines brilliant this evening" in English. The pronunciation will be "la LOO-na SPLEN-dey breel-LAN-tey sta-SEY-ra" in Italian.

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La luna è bella.

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Che bella luna!

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Q: What is 'The moon is beautiful' when translated from English to Italian?
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What is 'moon' when translated from English to Italian?

"Moon" in English is (la) luna ("the moon") in Italian.

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"Yes, beautiful like the moon" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Sì, bella come la luna. The feminine singular declarative phrase also may be translated into English as "Yes, (as) beautiful as the moon." The pronunciation remains "SEE BEL-la KO-mey la LOO-na" in Italian.

What is 'beautiful moon' when translated from English to Italian?

Bella luna is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful moon." The feminine singular adjective and noun may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la("the") or indefinite una ("a, an"). The pronunciation will be "BEL-la LOO-na" in Italian.

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Amici della luna in Italian means "friends of the moon" in English.

What is 'To the moon and back' when translated from English to Italian?

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What is 'luna' when translated from Italian and Spanish to English?

"Moon" is an English equivalent of the Italian and Spanish word luna. The feminine singular noun may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la ("the") or indefinite article una ("a," "an"). The pronunciation will be "LOO-na" in Italian.

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