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Sei grasso

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Q: What is 'You're fat' in Italian?
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What does gargoyle statue mean?

it means youre fat.

How many fat grams are in an Italian sub from Lenny's sub shop?

A cold Italian sub from Lenny's Sub Shop has 23 grams of fat. The Italian Kaiser only has 12 grams of fat. Lenny's hot Italian sub has 30 grams of fat.

How many fat grams are in Italian sub from Lennys sub shop?

A cold Italian sub from Lenny's Sub Shop has 23 grams of fat. The Italian Kaiser only has 12 grams of fat. Lenny's hot Italian sub has 30 grams of fat.

What is Amalia Noether's quote mean?

That if youre fat, you should work out.

Are there Weight cheats for oblivion?

if youre asking if you can make your guy fat, no.

What is 'fat girl' when translated from English to Italian?

"Fat Girl" in English means ragazza grassa in Italian.

What do they call fat people in new york?

Gavones!!! That's the Italian way. It means "animal". The actual translation of "Fat" in Italian is 'grasso".

If he packs you a snack to eat what does it mean?

he thinks youre fat and need to feed constantly

If youre fat do you have more warmth?

yes because you have more skin covering your bones.

What is 'grassi' when translated from Italian to English?

Grassi in Italian means "fat" in English.

What is 'grassa' when translated from Italian to English?

Grassa in Italian means "fat" in English.

How will you know if youre having a boy?

If your stomach gets fat, and you fell somethin' movin' in it! Why do you want to know?