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Q: What is 'main course' in Irish?
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On Irish day of course.

Do all schools in Ireland offer the course Irish Gaelic and is it a mandatory class for young children?

Irish is a mandatory subject in schools, so schools running the Irish curriculum will have it as part of what they teach. Only a few schools would be exempt. There are even schools that use Irish as the main language and teach everything through the Irish language.

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You apply for a sniper course through the orderly room and then you MIGHT get a placment on a sniper course. 3rd hardest course in the Irish Defence Forces You apply for a sniper course through the orderly room and then you MIGHT get a placment on a sniper course. 3rd hardest course in the Irish Defence Forces

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Of Course >>>>>>>>

Irish word 'main' means what?

It isn't an Irish word.

Can you travel to Romania with an Irish resident?

Of course

Does Sofia luccia do Irish dancing?

yes! of course she does.

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The normans of course

How do you you say of course in Irish Gaelic?

ar ndóigh!

Do you need to have Irish to be a doctor in Ireland?

no Irish citizinship is not an essential to do a medical course in Ireland and then work as a doctor

How you say main course in spanish?

Plato principal= main course

Can German and Irish people be friends?

Of course they can - just as Irish people can be friends with all nationalities, and Germans too