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"My aching heart" is one English equivalent of the French phrase mal mon coeur. The pronunciation of the masculine singular phrase -- which literally means "aching, my heart" and also translates as "my damaged heart" or "my hurt heart" -- will be "mal mo kuhr" in French.

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Q: What is 'mal mon coeur' when translated from French to English?
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What is 'La marque ça fait mal' when translated from French to English?

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What is 'mal' when translated from French to English?

"Bad (wrong)" as an adjective, "badly (incorrectly, poorly, wrongly) as an adverb, and "evil (damage, ill, illness, sickness, wrong)" as a noun are literal English equivalents of the French word mal. Regardless of meaning or use, the pronunciation remains "mahl" in French.

What is 'poorly' when translated from English to French?

Mal as an adverb and malade and malade as respectively singular and plural adjectives are French equivalents of the English word "poorly." The respective pronunciations in French will be "mahl" for the adverb and "malade" for the singular and plural forms of the feminine/masculine adjective.

What is 'I have a headache' when translated from English to Italian?

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French word for it hurts?

It hurts can be translated as "C'est douloureux". More colloquially, "ça fait mal" or "ça pique"

Translate pain in french?

Pain is translated as "la douleur" (fem.) or "le mal" (masc., pl.: "les maux") in French. my leg hurst, I feel some pain = j'ai mal à la jambe, je sens une douleur à la jambe" Painstaking can be translated as "pénible, qui donne du mal" he worked painstakingly on the project : il s'est donné du mal pour ce projet