

What is 100 plus 56?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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100 + 56 = 156
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Q: What is 100 plus 56?
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The answer is 226 check if u want to! Plus spirits are alive ________________________________________________ 7x10=70 7x8=56 7x10+7x8=126+100=22 70 +56 ____ 126 + 100=226 The person that did this is correct. The answer is 226. At first, I thought this person was incorrect. I got 126. I forgot to add the 100. Don't forget to add the 100.

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The equation 56 × � = 100 56×x=100 can be solved by dividing both sides of the equation by 56. 56 × � = 100 � = 100 56 56×x x ​ =100 = 56 100 ​ ​ This simplifies to approximately � ≈ 1.7857 x≈1.7857.

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